27. (Cam's Girl?)

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I'm not mad. I don't care that Cameron is here. This is the last dinner I have with Tana and Lyndsey before they head back home. He will not get in the way.

"Great table" Nessa said going up to sit by Christian. I go and sit across from Cameron next to Aaron.

"We ordered waters for you all" Aaron said. I pick up the menu and look at it. Trying to think of what Jasmine told me earlier. Giving Cameron a second chance or calling it a quits? Crap, I wish I would have called my mom to talk about this. I just decided on a pasta bowl and maybe a sweet tea. I put down the menu and Cameron was staring at me rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip. "So when do you guys come back?"

"Not sure yet. We both are about to be busy the upcoming weeks" Tana said.

"What about you guys? I heard about more tour dates" Lyndsey said.

'Yea, we're making a few more stops in a couple of states like Nebraska, and Florida" Aaron said. When the waiter comes to the table she takes our orders.

"So Nessa, Melanie do you have anything planned this week?" Christian asked.

"Yea, I have a meeting to go to. Then Mel and I are doing a Meet'n'Greet at the convention center and also Melanie gets her photo shoots pictures in" Nessa said smiling.

"Her photos are going to be so hot" Tana says and I smile at her.

"Melanie can I talk to you alone?" Cameron blurts out. I look over at him and he's leaning on the table looking at me.

"Cameron is this the best time?" Nessa said. Cameron looks over at Nessa.

"I want to talk to her. We need to talk" he says looking back at me. "So we talk now, in front of everyone or you come with me outside and we talk". I stare at him and shake my head. "Please" Cameron begged. I look over at Nessa and she stares at me. I get up and Cameron gets up and we walk outside away from the table and out on the patio. "You look really nice" Cameron adds.

"Thanks" I say folding my arms looking at him.

"I'm sorry Melanie. I'm so sorry I have been such an awful boyfriend to you" he says staring at me. "I want you Mel" he says. I think my heart just stop. Did he really just say that? He wants me? Why? Like seriously why does he want me?

"What about Madison?" I asked staring at him. "It's me or her"


"So if Madison came up to you right now begging for you to take her back, would you?" I asked.


"I don't believe you" and he cocks his head to the side.

"I'm telling you the truth" he says.

"No you are telling me what I want to hear. Listen, tonight is the last night with Tana and Lyndsey and I just want to spend it with them" I said looking at him. Cameron bites his lip and looks away. I walk away from him back to the table and sat down. Cameron stares at me from a distance then shakes his head and walks away, down the stairs and out the restaurant. I ignore him and continued to enjoy the night. When we got back the apartment, we all decided to stay over Nessa's. Us girls stayed up late, eating, talking, watching movies and stayed off the topic of Cameron Dallas. The following morning, we all woke up early so we could take the girls to LAX.

"I'm so mad you guys are leaving" Nessa says as we pull into the drop off at the airport.

"I am too, but duties call" Tana says opening the door. We all get out the car and help Lyndsey and Tana with their bags.

"We won't be gone too long" Lyndsey said and we all hug each other. We always do this. I mean what friends don't? When you spend so much time with one another then time comes when they have to leave and everyone is emotional.

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