18. (What's The Plan?)

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Cameron told me yes I can come by around 6pm today. I washed Cameron's shirt and pants I wore the other day, stuff them in a bag, then I went and got changed. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs and drove to Cameron's place. It took me a minute before I get there and I continue to look over at the ridiculous contract that laid on my passenger seat. Cameron opens the gate for me and when I park the car he already was opening the front door. Cameron was wearing a white shirt and grey joggers. I open the door and he smiles walking over to me and I couldn't help but to smile back at him.

"Hey" he says coming up to kiss me.

"Hey" I say. He grabs my hand and we went inside the house and it was super loud and I heard yelling and the TV on. Cameron closes the door behind me and pulled me along till we got upstairs to his room. I sit on his bed and he shuts the front, I move my hair from my face and look at him and he leans on the door looking at me.

"You okay?"

"Umm... actually no. Rachel came to see me today" I say pulling out the contract. "Did you know about this?" I said.

"What is it?"

"A contract... to date you" and he laughs.

"Wow! I didn't know it was real" he said laughing. "All she told me was that she wanted to explain to you about my lifestyle or something like that through a few papers"

"Cameron... have you read it?"

"No, why?" he asked. I stick the contract out and he comes up to me grabbing it and sits next to me on the bed. He starts to read it and as he does I stare at him. His jawline, his nose, his amazing mouth. How much I wanted to run my hands throw his hair. "What the hell..." Cameron says scratching his jaw. "Don't sign this".

"I wasn't. But Rachel said if I don't sign it, we can't date" and he looks over at me. Cameron rips up the contract and throws it on his floor. I laugh and stare at the pieces on the floor. Cameron places his hand on my thigh and I look up at him.

"Don't worry about it. I'll talk to her" he says bending over to kiss me. God! I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of him kissing him. He pulls away and looks at me. "You want to meet the guys?" he asked.

"Sure" I say. Cameron grabs my hand and we head back downstairs growing closer to the noise and sound. There were about four guys all laughing and talking. The TV was on but I don't think anyone was watching it. I see Aaron talking to a guy next to him. There were beer bottles all over the table and it was pretty messy in the living room.

"YO" Cameron shouts and I look over at him. The guys look and see me and I smile. Cameron wraps his arm around me. "Guys, this is my girlfriend Melanie and Mel this Aaron, Christian, Carter and Matthew" Cameron says. They all seem pretty familiar just because I know the people Cameron surrounds himself with. They are all pretty much YouTubers.

"Hi" I say. This feels so awkward.

"Hey" Christian said.

"Yo" Carter says and the other two just smile at me.

"What are you guys doing?" Cameron asked pulling his hands away from my waist.

"Nothing" Matthew says and they all started laughing. My phone starts to ring and I grab it from my back pocket. I look down to see it's Nessa calling. I look up and the guys presumed screaming like idiots and Cameron stares at me.

"It's Nessa" I say walking away from them where it's quiet in the house. "Hello?"

"Uhh...HELLO. Is this my best friend? I don't think so because if this was my best friend she would be here telling me about how the hell she is dating Cameron Dallas. Where the hell are you?" Nessa said and I can tell she's angry.

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