21. (Bear, Beer, and Babe )

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I bend down and pick up the bear and dusted it off. I see Tana follow Gilinsky and Johnson. I turn around to look at Lyndsey and Nessa. I obviously have to go, Cameron's my boyfriend.

"Umm... you guys can stay. I'm going to go with Cameron" I say.

"You sure you don't want us to come?" Nessa asked.

"It's fine, just have fun! I'll see you tonight" I said walking away. I follow the way the others were going. When we reach the boardwalk, I catch up with Cameron. I see Gilinsky talking to Johnson and Madison trailing behind him.

"He just needs to calm down" Christian said looking at me.

"Why the fuck do you still have the bear Melanie?" Cameron cursed.

"Because he gave it to me Cameron" I said.

"You serious?" he says looking at me.

"Why are you so mad?" I asked.

"Because he bugs the hell out of me" I stare at him and held up the teddy bear.

"Because of this? You are mad because of a teddy bear?"

"Can you stop with the stupid bear?"

"He was being nice to me because you were so mesmerize by Madison"

"I was not mesmerize, we were talking! I get you might be jealous" he says.

"EXCUSE ME!" I kind of shouted. "Me? Jealous?" I mean I was a little because look at her but I didn't want him to know that. "If anyone is jealous it's you! You've been jealous since the first time I met Gilinsky" I say staring at him.

"I'm not jealous of him. Maybe if you stop drooling over him you could see he's an asshole" he says. I stare at Cameron so confused. Like why are we fighting right now? What is it that we are fighting about?

"Do you still like her?" I asked and Cameron looks at me confused.


"Do you still like Madison?"

"NO! Why the hell would you ask me that?"

"Because you obviously can't seem to let it go that they are dating!' I said and at this point I am so pissed off. Cameron stares at me, laughs and looks away. I shake my head and started to walk away from him.

"Where the hell are you going?" he yells. I ignore him and continue to walk away from him. Damn, if I would of known I'm dating a guy who's still in love with some other girl I would have never dated Cameron Dallas. I get to the parking lot, and decided to uber home. I didn't want to be by Cameron right now. He wasn't supposed to be here anyway.

"Mel?" I heard Tana say and I look at her and she was talking to Gilinsky, Johnson and Madison.

"Hey" I say and she walks over to me.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just going to take an uber home. I'm fine, I'm just really tired and want to be alone" I say and she stares at me. "Tana, I'm fine. I'll see you later" I said walking away from her out of the parking garage. When I get out of the parking lot, it was right on time because my uber was pulling up. I get in when I start to hear yelling and I look over to see Tana running over to the uber. I laugh and she slides in. "I told you I was fine" I said as she shuts the door.

"You can go sir" Tana says ignoring me and the uber driver starts to drive. Tana pulls out her phone and I can see she's calling Nessa. "Hey, Mel and I are heading back to the apartment" Tana told Nessa. Ugh! "Yea, Cameron and her must of got into it" she says. I couldn't hear what Nessa was saying on the other end. "Alright, we will see you in a little. Bye, love you" she said getting off the phone. I hate the fact that Cameron and I getting in a fight is making my friends come spend time with me.

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