25. ( The Ex-GirlfriendS)

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"So... Cameron Dallas's girlfriend?" someone said and I look over to see a really pretty vampire, Andrea Russet.

"Hi" I said laughing. "My name is Melanie" I say smiling at her.

"Yea, I know your name, but just know that when people see you for now on your name is going to be Cameron Dallas's girlfriend" she says bending over to grab a drink. I stare at her and she makes eye contact with me. "Ugh don't worry. I'm not some ex-girlfriend who hates you because you are dating my ex" she says standing in front of me. "You know who I do hate?" she says.

"Who?" Tana asked.

"That Madison Beer bitch and I swear if I ever see her again..." Andrea says. Nessa, Tana and I all look at each other then look back at Andrea Russet.

"So your house is really amazing" I said.

"Thank you, it took me forever to decorate" Andrea said taking a swig from her cup. "Have you got the hate of Cameron's fans yet?"

"I try to look pass the bad comments on twitter, insta and YouTube" I say smiling.

"Oh honey. You haven't seen anything yet" she says smirking. "Until they are trying to break inside your house to kill you, you have not seen anything yet" she says laughing. I bite my lip and look down.

"Well I'm going to go talk to Teala" Tana says walking away from us.

"Yea, I'm going to go and find Christian" Nessa said walking away. Great. Just leave me alone with Cameron's ex-girlfriend.

"Can I ask what happened between you and Cameron?" I say and she looks over at me. She stares at me for minute then laughs and shakes her head.

"Of course he didn't tell you. But at the same time, why didn't you guys have the ex girlfriend and boyfriend talk before you started dating?" she asked. She makes a good point.

"Past is the past, right?" I say and she smiles at me. Also, Cameron is the first guy I have ever dated, I don't have a history.

"Cameron cheated on me..."Andrea said taking another swig and I stare at her. What! Cameron cheated on her? He's a cheater? WHAT!

"With who?" I asked knowing the answer and she stares at me.

"Who the hell do you think?" she says laughing.

"Madison Beer?" I asked.


"He never told me that"

"That he's a cheater and a liar? Of course not. Everyone pictures Cameron as this amazing, perfect guy and to be honest he's not. You are in the beginning stage of dating him so you will see what I mean" she says and I stare at her. "Did Rachel get you to sign the contract?"

"You know about the contract?"

"I was the first one to sign it"

"Should I sign it?"

"That's a decision you need to make yourself. There are pros and cons to that contract but it's all up to you"

"Do you hate Cameron?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"Because you said he's not this perfect guy and you seem like you hate him"

"He's not. No one is perfect. Dating Cameron comes with a bunch of crap"

"Like?" I asked.

"Not uh, I had to find out myself, you are going to have to do it yourself" she says winking at me. "Anyways, I'm dating Kian now, so I don't have a problem with Cameron anymore" Andrea says. Someone comes up to Andrea in a bunny costume and whispers in her ear. Andrea turns around and looks at her. "She's here? At my party?" Andrea said infuriated. Oh no, Madison? "Oh hell no" Andrea said walking away from me. I follow Andrea and the bunny to wherever they are going. That's when I see Madison laughing at something Cameron said. Why is Cameron talking to her? Where the hell is Gilinsky and why can't he keep track of his under-age girlfriend? Andrea walks up to Madison and Cameron and they both look over at her. "So who told you that you can come to my party?" Andrea asked Madison.

"Andrea chill out" Cameron says.

"Cameron, shut up. I'm not talking to you" Andrea says.

"Andrea, Jack brought me here" Madison said.

"Because I invited him and I know that I didn't invite your ass. And speaking of Jack, who is your boyfriend, where is he? And why the hell are you with Cameron and not Jack?" Andrea said looking at her. Madison starts tapping her finger on her cup looking at Andrea. "And you're drinking? Aren't you like 14?" she says and a few people around us started laughing.

"Andrea lay off" Cameron said.

"Of course you are sticking up for her Cameron. She's moved on and you still can't let go of her" Andrea said.

"I apologize to you, so there's no need to be mean to her" Cameron said and he's hardcore defending Madison.

"Cameron, aren't you dating someone else? Are you going to do the same thing to Melanie that you did to me?" she asked. Cameron shakes his head and looks over at Madison and says something to her that I don't make out.

"I'll leave, great party Andrea" Madison said smiling walking away, Cameron looks at Andrea then follows Madison out. He did not just leave with her? Andrea shakes her head when I catch her eye and she walks up to me.

"He's in-love with her. He's not going to open up to you about anything. Not about his life, about his depression, his medicine, his dad. He doesn't need to open up to you because he has Madison. Madison knows him best. He's never going to treat you the way he treats her. Melanie, you seem smart and I like you. Here's a tip from someone who's been through it. Cameron Dallas is going to hurt you" Andrea said and I stare at her.

"Andrea, come on" Kian says wrapping his arm around her.

"Enjoy the rest of the party" she says walking away. "Where's Gilinsky!"

"Mel?" someone says and I look over to see Lyndsey.

"Hey" I said smiling and she stares at me. "I'm fine Lyndsey" I said walking away from her and follow Andrea to the back of the house to her backyard. Where I heard yelling and laughing. I look to see Carter, Christian, Nessa, Aaron, Johnson and Gilinsky putting their heads in ice water trying to pull out whatever that's floating in the bucket.

"GILINSKY" Andrea yells going down the steps. I lean over the edge and Andrea walks up to Jack Gilinsky. Jack looks at her pushing his dark brown hair out of his face. "I told you not to bring her here"

"Andrea..." Jack starts to say.

"And so after I kicked her ass out, Cameron went with her. So you better go get your girlfriend" Andrea says crossing her arms. Gilinsky stares at her then looks back at everyone. He pushes pass Andrea and comes up the steps walking pass me to the front. I follow him because I'm curious to see if Cameron actually left with Madison. When we get to the front, no Cameron, no Madison.

"Can't keep track of your boyfriend?" Gilinsky said looking back at me.

"Can't keep track of your girlfriend?" I asked looking at him. He shakes his head and looks around.

"MADISON!" he shouts.

"MADISON!" he shouts

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