Chapter 9:Smart?

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Joel's pov
Lizzie has been tutoring me for 2 weeks straight. I don't think it is helping. We had a test yesterday and I think that I failed. Here comes Mrs. Mabel's now with the tests!
M=Mrs. Mabel's

M:Okay class, so our highest scorer is...Yammy with an A*.

(Still Joel's pov)
I was shocked. Usually Lizzie gets an A**. Maybe Lizzie didn't have enough time to study because she was tutoring me. If that is the case I feel horrible. Mrs. Mabel's continued to pass out the papers. Once she got to me she smiled. She gave me my paper and I got a B*. I was happy. Okay really happy. I looked at Lizzie and she looked upset. She showed me her paper and she got a C. While at least she passed. I showed her my paper and she smiled.

Magical time skip to after class
Lizzie's pov
I was really happy for Joel. When he left the classroom, I jumped on him and he screamed a little. We both fell to the ground laughing. He got up and helped me up.

L:Congrats on your grade! *Hugs him*

J:Thanks babe! Congrats to you too! At least you passed.

L:Yeah you're right. But my mom is going to be ticked off. She always expects the best from me and I hate it.

J:Oh, well don't worry about her. I think you are perfect just the way you are. *Kisses her cheek*

L:*Starts to blush like crazy* Aww Joel! Thank you! *Kisses him back*

J:Your welcome. Wait, am I considered smart now?

L:Yeah, I guess. Am I considered dumb now?

J:Of course not.

L:Well I have to get some stuff out of my locker. Bye Joel. *Leaves*

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