Chapter 29: New Girl

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So this chapter will contain the winner of the OC contest. Saying this, there were only 2 entrees, so I had to choose between one of my best friends and one of my best readers..anyways, on with the story!
Lizzie's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open to the morning sunshine that was making my sheer curtains seem five times brighter. I raised my arms above my head, stretching them out as much as I could. My feet met my fuzzy slippers as I lowered them off the bed and walked to my closet.

"Ugh! I have nothing to wear!" I cried. (So relatable)

I rummaged through the shirts that dangled off my hangers like loose threads on a sweater. I looked below the clothes to the little shelf that was placed in my closet to hold all my pants. I sighed and grabbed a light gray shirt that said 'meow' and had cat whiskers on it, blue jeans, and my black vans. (Picture up top)

I ran down the stairs, totally not tripping at all, and went into the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards and settled on a coffeecake muffin with a glass of apple juice. I woofed that down, ran to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. After that, I checked the time.

"Yes! I still have time to play Mystic Messenger! Time to talk with hot anime boys!" I squealed, opening my messages with Jumin Han. "He's. So. Hottttt!"

"Who's so hot?" I heard from behind me.

"GAH! Oh my Lord, Joel, it's just you!" I sighed in relief.

"Mhmm, but who is Jumin Han?" he asked again.

"It's just a hot anime boy from a game that I play..," I blushed.

Joel smirked, "Is he hotter than me?" I blushed crimson red. "NO, HE'S NOT! I MEAN, HE'S HOT, BUT YOU'RE REALLY HOT! I MEAN..HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN MY HOUSE?!" I yelled.

He chuckled and pulled a key out of his pocket. "You gave me a house key, remember?" he asked. "O-oh, yeah.." I stuttered. " think I'm hot?" he smirked. "Uhh..would you look at the time? Time to go to school!" I said, grabbing my bag and running out the door. I heard a soft laugh behind me followed by footsteps and the sound of the door shutting.

As I walked to the passenger's seat of Joel's car, the footsteps behind me started to get faster and closer until the sound was right in front of me. "After you," Joel said as he pulled open the passenger door. I put my hand over my heart, "What a gentleman," I said, wiping away an imaginary tear. He laughed as I stepped in the car and buckled my seatbelt.

Joel hopped into the driver's seat, started the car, and turned in the radio. "This is 92 PROFM bringing you today's hits. Now, here's a song that we may have not heard in a while. Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab," the man on the radio announced. "My song!" I yelled, causing Joel to jump and swerve a tiny bit. "Whoops..," I squeaked. The song came on, and I blasted it and sang along.

(Literally my fav song Rn. I put in the Nightcore version cuz I like it better. Play it if you want, you don't have to :3)

I started breathing new really heavy in an attempt to catch my breath after singing so much. "Gosh, Liz! You can really sing!" Joel complimented. I blushed and playfully hit him in the arm.

When we walked into the building, the bell immediately rang. "Shoot!" I said, running to science. As I neared the door, I saw a girl that looked about a year younger than me walk into the science room. That's weird..I've never seen her before. She had (Insert OC contest winner..

long blonde hair that became brown on the bottom. From the back of her, I could see that she had on a blue denim jacket, white jean shorts, and blue high tops. I walked into the classroom and sat in my seat which happened to be right next to hers. From here, I could see all of her features, like how her blue rimmed glasses outlined her bright green eyes, well at least the eye I could see. The other eye was covered with her hair. She had on a black shirt with a white Adidas simble in the middle.

Now that I take a closer look at her, she seems really familiar. "Hey, you're Joel's neighbor, aren't you?" She turned to look at me, her green eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Yes, I am. Wait, you're Lizzie, right?" she asked. I nodded and smiled. "Oh! I'm Lucy Marie, but you can call me Luce, or Mary, either one is fine. The boys talk a lot about you," she said. I felt my cheeks get rosy pink as those words escaped her mouth. Then class had to start..great..

I would get to know her more later..

Congratulations @LucyLovesVampires on winning the OC contest! I really loved your OC and thought she would be a great addition to the story! Thank you so much for commenting for reading my book!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and remember, wear ur seatbelt! Nobody gets that seatbelt reference..okaii..

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