Chapter 20: Arriving

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(Three Months Later)

Lizzie's POV
I woke up on Joel's couch, because I slept here last night. I felt my nose, relieved that I had gotten my bandage off yesterday. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and squinted as the bright light shined in my eyes. "Hmm...isn't today something special?" I muttered to myself. I thought about it until my brain hurt. Then I screamed, sending Joel stumbling downstairs. "What?! What's happening?!" He said in a panicked voice. I laughed and said, "Nothing, silly! It's just that today we leave for Vidcon!!" His mouth dropped open as he pulled out his phone to check his calendar, because c'mon! Who uses actual calendars anymore? Anyways, we both looked at each other, as we had forgotten that it was today. "WE NEED TO PACK!!" We both yelled in sync. I ran outside, barefoot, and hopped into my car while Joel ran upstairs.

~Magical Time Skip Cuz Why Not~
After I was done packing, I drove back to Joel's house, with shoes on this time.  I ran in and yelled, "I'm here!"  He looked over from his spot on the couch.  "Good, because I just finished," he said.  I smiled and went to grab a glass of water. 
   I drank the water quite quickly, as I was really thirsty.  I grabbed Joel's duffle bag, and he rolled his mini suitcase.  We loaded them into the trunk, and since Joel insisted on driving, I got in shotgun.  I turned on the radio and danced like an idiot.  Joel tried to watch me and drive at the same time, but that's kind of impossible without crashing.  He ended up pulling over to the nearest KFC and started laughing at me, before going in to get food.  He came back outside, gave me my food, and hopped back in the drivers seat.  "What about you?"  I asked.  "Aren't you gonna eat?"  He shook his head and said, "I had some pancakes after you left this morning."  I pretended to be shocked.  "You had pancakes...without me?!"  I said.  He laughed, and I elbowed him.  After that, I fell asleep.

~~~~~Magical Time Skip #34~~~~~

   I woke up to Joel gently shaking me.  "Lizzie," he whispered.  I groggily moaned and managed a to say, "What?"  He beamed and said, "We're here!"  I lifted my head up only to see the Vidcon building right in front of my eyes.  We were here.

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