Chapter 28: Luke's Comeback

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I'm addicted to this song..but don't play it if you don't like swearing..cuz we gotta watch our profanity, right kids?


Okay then..let's get on with the story!
Luke's P.O.V

"Thanks again for bailing me out, Kevin," I said as we sat on my old, beat up couch. "Like I said before, it's no problem," Kevin said. I simply nodded and got up to go to the kitchen. "Where did you even go after I bailed you out?" Kevin asked. "Oh, I just went to pay an old friend a..visit," I said. "You went to stalk Lizzie, didn't you?" he asked. "I wouldn't say stalk..more like...casually watching," I said. "Mhmm, suuuuurrreeee," Kevin muttered sarcastically. "Anyways, how'd it go?" Kevin teased. "She's totally into me," I bragged. "You got rejected, didn't you?" Kevin asked. "H-How'd you know?" he stuttered. "You know she only has eyes for Joel," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world..which it was. I sighed. "Well, we'll just have to fix that," I smirked. "We'll?" Kevin repeated. I nodded, a plan already forming in my (tiny) brain.

Lizzie's P.O.V

"Luke, leave me alone! No..! Don't touch me!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!"

I woke up in a pool of tears while sweating like crazy. "It was just a dream..," I told myself. "It was just a dream..or was it?" I shook the thought out of my head and went to get ready. I took a quick shower, dried my hair, braided it, and put in this:

(First time using a picture instead of typing cuz I'm a lazy potato)

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(First time using a picture instead of typing cuz I'm a lazy potato)

I went into the kitchen, grabbed a granola bar, and ran out to my baby..I mean my car..

Time Skip Brought To You By Potatoes

When I got into the school, I saw two familiar faces. Mackenzie and Luke. "Great," I muttered as they spotted me walking in. "Lizzie!" Luke said, spreading his arms out for a hug. "No!" I yelled, putting my hands out in front of me for protection. "Don't touch me!" "Awww, but that's no fun," Mack said as she put her foot behind me, flicking it forwards so it would make me fall backwards. I winced as I hit the hard marble floor, but got right back up, trying to ignore the stinging pain in my bleeding elbows. "Well, it's been fun! Gotta go to my locker now!" I said in an attempt to push by them. "Not just yet," Luke said, pushing me back. "Don't touch me!" I said, pushing him away from me.

(Insert "Oooooohh" ing kids sound here)

"Oooooohh," all the kids in the hallway said. I took that moment to push past the two heartless teenagers and ran to my locker. I turned back, catching a glare from Luke that pierced through my soul (if I have one..heh..). I quickly ran to the nurse to get some bandages for my elbows, totally not almost tripping like five times in the way..psssshhh.

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-After School-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

Joel's P.O.V

I stood outside the door to the school, waiting to scare Lizzie as she walked out. Once I saw the familiar bubblegum pink weave..I mean hair..I put my hands on her shoulders. "Boo!" I whisper yelled in her ear. "OML JOEL, WHY?!" she screamed, earning a few sideways glances from some people walking into the parking lot. "Heh, sorry," I awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of my head with my hand. I glanced down at her waist, not because I'm a perve, but just because, and I saw bandages in her elbows. "God Lizzie, what happened?" I asked. "Oh..umm, those..heh..I Just..I slipped," she said while her face got red. I cocked my head, giving her a look of disapproval, but she held her hands up in defense. "I swear!" she protested. "Okay, but if you're lying, I will kill you," I sighed as She pouted. "With tickles!" I yelled. She shrieked as I chased her down the steps and out of the parking lot.


And that is how Lizzie died.

The End

Just kidding! But anyways, I was thinking about making the next chapter a Q&A, so it would be greatly appreciated if you asked some questions in the comments below! Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bai!

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