Chapter 39: Anxiety

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So turns out making the Alyssa character makes my friend Fluffy_Potatoes sad..she doesn't really look or act like me tho..sorry Gianna..

Also, if Lizzie and Joel get this far, which they won't because this book is trash, then this chapter isn't significant to the book. Like, you can skip this and still know what's going on for the rest of the chapters. I'm just saying this because this chapter isn't as PG as all the others (not like beating up a girl is PG but still)


Dear students of Westerburg High,

     I have some important information about a fellow student of yours.

     Alyssa Wolfhard.

Alyssa's P.O.V

The messages were filled with false rumors. Some saying that Travis wasn't even my boyfriend, and others saying I talked crap about my friends when they weren't around.

   "T-take me home.." I whimpered.

     "Lys, don't pay att-" Lucy started.

     "I said take me home!" I snapped, my voice shaky.

     I ran out to the car, getting looks from everyone as I passed. It seemed like the exact day we decided to go to the mall, everyone from school was there, too. In other words, they all saw the text blast.

     "That's her." I heard some girl whispered.

     "What do you think is wrong with her?" some boy muttered.

     "Her friends are obviously clueless!" someone asked.

     I ran even faster out to the car and tugged on the handle rapidly.

     "Alyssa, calm down. It's still locked," Lizzie said, unlocking the car.  I climbed in the backseat and fumbled with the seatbelt. My hands shook, causing it to keep shooting back to the car door. I finally buckled it in and hugged my knees to my chest.

     Not another anxiety attack.

     Not now.

     My breaths came out short and raspy, but I made them quiet so Lizzie and Lucy wouldn't worry.

        ~One boring car ride later~

     "Bye, Alyssa! See you to-" I slammed the car door before Lizzie could finish talking. I bolted inside the house.

     "Hey, Lyssie~Bear," my brother, Finn, said. (LSKSMDNDKEKEKEOSOOSWPPWO3ORIRIRIRJDI I'M SO NOT SORRY!) He was using my old childhood nickname. I looked over and saw some of his friends, Jaeden, Jack, Wyatt, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb. (So not sorry)

     I ignored him and ran upstairs to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it. "Alyssa!" I heard him call. Multiple footsteps came up the stairs and over to the door.

     I slid down against the door and hugged my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth.

      "People will be staring now, and I can't handle that." I cried

     "Alyssa open the door!" Finn yelled.

     My breathing got even shorter to the point I had to choke out my words. My chest tightened more. "C-c-cant't breath." I choked out my words.

     "OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!" Jack yelled. Jack is like my older brother since him and Finn are dating. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! FACK)

     I slowly reach my arm backwards  and fumbled with the lock before I finally twist it. It clicks, and the boys all rush in, the door hitting my back and knocking the rest of the wind out of me. I go from sitting on the ground to laying face first, sprawled out on the cold tiles. I could practically feel my fave turning blue from the lack of air.

     "Oh, Lord. She's having another anxiety attack!" Jaeden, another brother figure of mine, gasped.

     Finn rushed over to me and began to cradle me in his arms. Silent tears streamed down my face and slightly darkened his shirt. "Just breath, baby sis. Just breath," he cooed. He rubbed circles on my back, knowing that always calms me down. "Happy thoughts." He nuzzled his chin into my hair. "Guys, please go get her some water." I saw Gaten and Caleb run down the stairs. Finn tossed Wyatt his phone. "Can you go to my contacts and click on Travis and call him. Tell him Alyssa's having another anxiety attack." He turned to Noah, Jaeden, and Jack. "Help me comfort her. Please." His voice cracked when he said please, and I could feel tears hitting my head.

     I sat up slightly, my breathing a little better. "I'm so sorry. I made you c-cry. I'm a t-ter-terrible person." I choked out my words once again.

     "Lys, no. No, you're not. Can you try and show us what made you so upset?" Jack asked. I nodded and reached for my phone.

     "He said he'll be here in five minutes, no less." Wyatt said, running back in.  Gaten and Caleb rushed in, Caleb holding a glass of water and putting it in the ground next to me. I took a few more deep breaths before clicking on the text blast and handing my phone to Finn. I picked up the glass and drank the water as he began to read.

     He looked up at me, tears in his eyes, as did everybody else soon after. Finn let out a choked sob at the state I was in.

     "A-are these true?" he stuttered. I shook my head, and he hugged me. I winced slightly before hugging him back. Soon enough, we were all in one giant group hug, only to be broken up my a noise downstairs.

     "Where is she?!" a nervous voice called.

     "Up here!" Finn yelled back. As frantic footsteps rushed up the stairs, Finn turned back to me. "I'm not gonna ask why she did this because I don't wanna upset you. But does he know?" Finn asked, and I nodded.

     "He had to have seen it..Everyone has by now," I whispered as Travis rushed in. He pushed everyone out of the way and kneeled I front of me, wrapping his arms around my tense body.

     More footsteps rushed in, and I looked up to see Lizzie, Joel, Lucy, and Ethan. Lizzie was clutching Joel's arm with a nervous look on her face. Lucy was hugging Ethan. She looked petrified.

     "I'm sorry.." was all I could whisper before closing my eyes and laying on Travis's chest.


What chapter should I end this book on? I'm thinking maybe 40 or 50..?

Unedited usual

So sorry for the long wait! I was accepting my newly discovered anxiety..hence the name of this chapter. I was also doing..other depressing and anti-social yeah..

How's your life going?


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