Chapter 19: Circus of the Dead

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I would like to announce somethings.

If you're the few people who actually read author's notes, then hi.

So, Sister Location came out.

And it sparks many theories.

It made me think about my own story, and adjustments I could make.

Here we go!

I have decided this story...


There will still be mentions and snippets of dialogue in the story from Sister Location.


Daddy, what are you doing?

Sweetheart, I-

Ooh! Is that a doll! She looks like me!

No! Don't touch that!

But...but Daddy...

It's not for you...

...Okay Daddy...

At least...not yet...


Aphmau had planned to converse with Jin.



How she'd been able to control it by herself.

It was strange, truly.

Jin had seemingly already known about it according to her calculations...

But she had to be sure.

"Jin?" She asked.


The were in the living room, alone for once.

"The night before, we went to the place...And...I lost control." She swallowed a deep ball of doubt. "But...somehow...I brought it back. I managed to control Matron without your help...but..."

She faltered. 

There was something stirring in her.

An arising question.

Why had she relied on Jin this entire time to control Matron?

In fact, why had she never been able to control Matron until now?

"I think I can answer most of what your trying, yet failing to say out loud." Jin butted in.

Aphmau questionably looked up.

" turned. I knew that you coming to life in an animatronic/demonic form wasn't realistic. Although magic isn't real, there is the possibility of...spiritual occurrences...? Anyway, I researched about it, but nothing to interesting showed up. I spent days just thinking. All my life, this entire concept of reality backfires on anything I'd learned. People don't simply come back from the dead! There was no other way to explain it. So, I stopped looking for something logical. Instead, I went deeper."

Aphmau frowned. "Deeper?"

"You see, instead of thinking 'science' and 'spiritual', I went completely science. I know I said science isn't compatible with this...scene, but I tried it. Remember when I ran those few blood tests on you?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Aphmau was unsure where the conversation was going.

"I studied the way your blood acted, and I doesn't act like any normal human blood cells. Instead, I found hint of electric atoms."

Children of The Dark (An Aphmau FNAF Crossover) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now