Chapter 39: The Choices We Make

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The choices we make are difficult.

Like two ends of a path, each leading onward to a pit of darkness.

You don't know what's at the end, until you walk it.

And once you start stepping, you can't go back.

That is why choices sometimes take courage.

To be able to step out and take a risk that could end fatally.

So, then we ask, why do we make such hard choices then?

Then again...

What's life without some danger, eh?


It was admirable that Aphmau could take such horrible situations tossed at her so well.

Even with the spirit of evil that turned her into a demonic crazed monster floating next to her, rather angrily of course, she still managed to keep a calm demeanor.

One by one, she added all her friend's contacts into a single group chat.

MyStreet and old friends alike, joined as Aphmau added them all.

Texts bubbled up immeditently, but Aphmau silenced the conversation after sending a single speech bubble text.

Meet me at our house guys, everybody. ASAP. I have to tell you something.

Aphmau could almost hear the footsteps of her friends thundering back home.


Ironically, Aphmau made it home first.

She sat down on the couch, contemplating life.

Matron, (Who'd complained the entire way home) floated next to her in a helpless manner.

At this point, it was clear to Aphmau the ghost girl didn't want anything to do with her.

Why though, Aphmau didn't know.

Obviously something had happened to this other 'Matron' that turned her sick and twisted into a dark person.

A dark person who also hated her.

Gee, Aphmau always seemed to attract the loveliest people! Right? (Totally not being sarcastic)

"I don't see what doing this is going to do." Matorn deadpanned, finally breaking the silence. "They can't see me, they'll probably think your insane."

"I have faith. My friends do as well." Aphmau confidently replied, trying to ebb any uncertainty from her voice.

"Faith is an old belief that can easily be torn by grudges and acts of suspicion." Matron blatantly sighed.

"You speak pretty big words for a nine year old." Aphmau said, knowing she'd annoy Matron.

"For your information I'm older than you by decades probably." Matron snarled, clearly annoyed my her age misinterpretation.

"Probably..." Aphmau questioned.

"Certain." Matron corrected. "And besides that, what if they do think your crazy? What if none of the, believe you? What if-"


Matron immeditently shut up as a mob dashed in. (No not a Minecraft mob, like a mob of people)

A mob of very tried, sweaty, and out of breath people.

Well, at least, most of them.

(People like Aaron or Garroth who actually exercised all the time were used to sprinting at full speed for long distances)

Children of The Dark (An Aphmau FNAF Crossover) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now