Chapter 66: Burning Hopes

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Aphmau didn't even make it 20 steps away from the pizzeria when she ran right into Gingerbeard (Max).


"Max please, there are children here-" Aphmau started, before he screamed.

"AHA! I found her!"

Aphmau blinked. "Uhh...yeah...I'm here, wee?"

Max shook his head. "We actually came from Jin's request, he had a third eye-"

"A HUNCH!" Jin butted into the conversation from behind her, which made her jump.

"Third eye." Max insisted. "His third all-seeing eye told him you were in trouble."

"You aren't wrong." Aphmau shook her head. "But I really have to go, like, ASAP-"

"Woah woah woah." Jin looked at her in disbelief. "Did you just say ASAP?"

"Yeah, got a PROBLEM BRAH?" Aphmau squinted at him. "Fite me."

"Uhh, no thanks." Jin backed up. "My insurance doesn't cover getting beat up by a gremlin."


"Never." Jin said.

"Where were you going?" Max interrupted their argument.

"Okay, long story short, I gotta check up on my other friends and see if they're alright because if I don't I'll forever stay paranoidandI'mnotsureifIcansurvivethedaywiththatfeeling-"

"Geez Louise." Max complained, covering her mouth with his hand. "You talk too much Jess."

"At least I don't get angry at people who rhyme my name." Aphmau stuck out her tongue. "But really now, I'm basically procrastinating the inevitable, SO SEEYA-"

"Wait-" Jin tried to stop her but she was done chatting as of now.

"I'LL BE BACK!" She hollered/promised.

When she arrived to the house, nothing seemed off.

Honestly, giving it thought now, she really hadn't considered what he'd meant by those words.

Still, chances were risky, and she wasn't willing to take any.

"Oh, hey Aph!" Aaron waved, and she bolted to him. 

"Did anything happen while I was away?"

Aaron furrowed his eyebrows. "Uhh...Kawaii~Chan made breakfast?"

"Really? Wow, she woke up pretty early then." Aphmau said, looking to the pink meif'wa, impressed.

"Kawaii~Chan couldn't sleep after somebody woke her up." She gave a hardy glare to Katelyn who was stuffing her face with eggs.

"Your fault." Katelyn said after swallowing, pointing her fork at Kawaii~Chan accusingly. "You should've watched where you put your stuff so I didn't have to trip all over it."

"Katelyn~Sama didn't have to yell so loudly though!" Kawaii~Chan pouted.

"I stubbed my toe!" Katelyn shouted. "Of course I was gonna scream in pain!"

"At least you didn't step on a lego!" Travis hissed from the couch below, cradling his right foot. "Kawaii~Chan, why in the name of Irene did you even have legos with you?!"

"You never know when you need them!"

"Kawaii~Chan has a point." Aphmau gravely draped herself into the conversation, a soothing air of peace calming her. Nobody seemed to be hurt. "Legos are a dangerous, fine weapon. Only the most skilled can use, and they have deadly effects."

"Aphmau~Senpai is right." Kawaii~Chan nods.

"So, everybody's alright, huh?" Aphmau looked to Aaron. 

Aaron sighed. "Yes, they are, now are you gonna tell me where you were or is it a secret for another day?"

"I was searching for answers." Aphmau said. "And while I didn't get what I wanted, I do need you guys to get your butt's down here so I can discuss."

"Not everybody's here." Travis said. "It's gonna be hard getting everybody in the same place."

"Which is why-" Aphmau stood up straight and tall, a fiery glint in her eyes. "I'm going to make it happen."


Aphmau figured before all that jazz, she needed to spend some 'quality time' with the others.

Turns out Jin and Max hadn't been that faraway anyway. They'd been standing together under a palm tree in the shade.

Max was wearing sunglasses surprisingly, but then Aphmau remembered how...popular he was. 

"AH! There you are!" Max said. "We were starting to get worried."

"Awwww, Max you care." Aphmau cooed.

"Well, duh." Max rolled his eyes. "Of course I do."

"Is THIS REAL?" Aphmau blinked in disbelief. It was unreal.

"Very." Max said. "But in all seriousness, we uhh, do need to catch up."

Aphmau nodded severely. "That's actually why I came looking for you."

"Figures. The entire situation? It's messed up, and we need to take action." Jin's eyes were dark and haunting. "I understand you finally decided to tell them the truth."

Aphmau squinted at him. "You aren't mad about that...are you?"

"No." Jin admitted. "But its risky, and I trust that you understood that risk. However, this also means we're endangering more than just ourselves and them."

"What do you mean...?" Aphmau asked, suddenly very aware of the people around her, a few watching them curiously, a few were whispering and pointing at Max.

"Shoot." Max cried out. "My disguise isn't working!"

"Your disguise is a pair of sunglasses." Jin pointed out.

"Let's talk elsewhere." Max hissed, when he saw her paranoid expression.

Being popular came with a price, at the expense of one's privacy came love and adoration from all around.

It was kinda terrifying.


"Aphmau, we know something's up."

Aphmau mentally prepared herself for the beating line.

"Vincent is obviously planning something big, he wouldn't of come back, and we haven't exactly been doing what we should to prevent the possible." Jin began.

Insert exhale sigh of relief. *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHH*

"And Jess?" Jin looked her dead in the eye. "We found something you need to see."

Aphmau tilted her head curiously.


"I don't know how to put this in a better way." Jin looked at Max.

The words that came out of his mouth rattled her.

 "But this entire island is going up in flames if we don't stop him right now."

Children of The Dark (An Aphmau FNAF Crossover) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now