Chapter 71: Binding Crystals

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"The crystals...?"

"Aphmau bought one of these when she visited!"

"I recall seeing that." Matron said, remembering seeing Aphmau buying something in Kiki's memories.

"You see, not much information has been gathered on these crystals, hence all this open space left to fill.

There was a small blank space in the corner of the book.

"But, I believe the crystal somehow transferred you to me."

"Why would it do that?"

"I told Aphmau that these crystals as of now had no such speciality to them, they're meant for decor."

"Are you saying you were lying?" Mate inquired suspiciously.

"Not exactly, I was withholding information that hasn't yet been proven true. My mother researches these sorts of things, and she recently discovered each crystal has a different effect upon usage."

"How do you...use a crystal?" This new junk was hardly Matron's time and age.

"Oh, crystals can be used multiple ways, but particularly being able to channel emotions through it."

"How does that work?" 

"You're one of those rock dwellers, aren't cha?" Kiki giggles, which sounded like, "Ke ke ke!"

Now she was pretty sure why Kiki was called Kiki.

"Few magicks users can do it, not everybody is exactly born with the skill of magic. Some can learn it, but that takes years. Humans are the ones that have the highest chance of being born without magicks. Very few of them are gifted however. Meif'wa and werewolves of course, are born with it. It's in their blood, but there are some cases where they don't. Usually symptoms of a chronic illness."

Sympathy for people she didn't even known was blooming within Kiki, and transporting over to herself.

"Witches of course, are also born with it and usually have the highest potential for unlocking their powers at an earlier stage in life!"

"Interesting, but how does one use a crystal?" Matron was curious.

"Magicks users can channel emotions through these crystals, and it can unintentional considering that's how my mom figured it out. Doesn't seem to work all the time though, she thinks it might having something to do with how 'ripe' these crystals are. But these crystals side effects have included getting rid of emotions."

"I'm not an emotion though-" Matron began to protest but Kiki waved her off, silencing her immediately.

"See that's where you're wrong. Spirits such as you are supposed to be 'dead'. Which you are physically, but spiritually, you are somehow still thriving in this world because you have unfinished business left behind. That business is what people often think are 'past grievances the spirits can let go' or something like that, but it's not!" 

Kiki was getting a little too excited.

"You guys are still here because you are spiritual manifestations of sentimentality! Spirits, are basically floating shells of emotions that make up a conscious being!"


Science sure is wacky, if this could even be considered science. (Probably not.)

"That's a...revelation for me." Matron swallowed down heavier words.

"The crystal must've taken you from Aphmau."

"But I don't even remember anything about the crystal, I don't remember transferring beforehand at all!" Matron argued.

"All the evidence lines up." Kiki huffed. "Unless you have another idea, this is what I stick firm with. Both Aphmau and I touched the crystal in the exchange therefore probably detaching you from her, and onto me."

Matron was sour.

"Don't push your negative feelings on me."

Sheesh, this one was perceptive.

"I need to get back to her." Kiki waved her off. "That's where the issue is, I don't think I can. The crystal would need to be recharged. And the gathered knowledge of these crystals is that they can't be recharged. You might be stuck with me....for-"

Matron interrupted. "No, no no no no! Nothing is permanent, nothing is forever!"

Kiki gave her a pitying look.

"Then, at least take me to Aphmau!"

"I don't know where she lives!" Kiki threw up her hands defensively. 

"Then give me control."

Kiki blinked. "Of my body? I don't know if I can trust you to do that."

"Please? I can at least guide you to Aphmau."

Kiki considered the few options she had. "Can't you just guide me there...?"

"Look, I don't have the time for this." The surge of patience in her was surprising. Usually by now, she would've snapped. "Please Kiki? From a fellow redhead to another?"

"As long as you return my body to me by the end of it?" Kiki asked sternly. "Otherwise I'll be sending my animals after you."

Matron wasn't sure how that was going to work, but she was willing to try.

"Pinky promise."

The deal was sealed.

"Open up your conscience so this'll be easier for me."

Taking control of a body was no stranger to Matron.

But a willing host was certainly something new.

It was like being a baby again, learning to stand on those tiny little feet. Little steps that would eventually stride to become bigger and bigger as your life progressed.

It's kinda like when you expect something to be heavy, so you prepare to pick up all that weight but it turns out light, and the lightness of the object surprises you.

That's how it felt to take over somebody so easily.

She stumbled, and almost crashed into the counter.


"Can you walk?" Kiki's voice changed in the back of her mind, slightly fuzzed out and weak. 

"Just getting used to this." Matron stretched each limb carefully.

No more floating, physical exercise was the current travel system.

One leg after the other, she stumbled out of the door, and began running.

People watched her curiously, probably wondering where she was off to.

Streets after road streets were leading her toward the path.

And somewhere else on the island, Aphmau was making her way to the restaurant.



Children of The Dark (An Aphmau FNAF Crossover) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now