Chapter 38: A Fiendly Chat

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Aphmau stared at the ghostly figure for a good minute or so before shrieking like a little girl and tumbling clumsily backward onto the grass in an ungraceful way.


The ghost, who was startled by Aphmau's outburst, and already surprised, jumped backward (Can ghosts even jump?) in a swift pullback.

"What-" Before the ghost could finish, Aphmau flailed her arms around, attempting to swat the ghost away.

The ghost stared unimpressively at her for a second before abruptly saying, "You know, you're making yourself look like an idiot."

Aphmau stopped her useless attempts to shoo the ghost, and sighed. "Well, I guess I did overreact, but it's not everyday your approached by some weird ghost child." The sassily replied.

"Your just as ignorant and rambunctious as the day I met you." The ghost mumbled.

These words were an immedient trigger warning to Aphmau, as her eyes glinted with caution and her tone dropped to a low, cynical depth. "The day you met me..."

The ghost's eyes sparkled with sudden crazy mischief. "Yes indeed! The day I met you! All those years ago..."

Aphmau was thoroughly creeped out by the ghost now.

"Okay, number 1. Who the heck are you? Number 2. Why are you acting so spoopy?!" Aphmau asked, incredibly freaked out.

"What's spoopy-? Never mind." The ghost huffed. "Your so naive."

"OH HO! Look who's talking Ms. I'm-A-Smol-Child!" Aphmau sassily said, reeling from the irony of the words.

"Hey! I'm older than I look!" The ghost furiously screeched.

"Calm yo hormones girlfriend, it ain't gettin' ya nowhere in this sassdown!" Aphmau sassed.

"UGHHHHHHH, KILL ME...." The ghost looked wretchedly towards the sky in agony. "PLEASE."

"But your already dead." (SAVAGE SASSMAU :O)

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" An invisible crowd in the distance 'oooohed' for extra affect.

"Okay FINE. If it will shut your pretty mouth up, my name is Matron. I don't know what 'spoopy' is so I can't answer the second question." The ghost, coincidentally called 'Matron' snapped.

"Now I'm only a bit satisfied..." Aphmau glared at the ghost, the mood swinging from sassy to suspicious once more. "It just seems sooooo coincidental that you just HAPPEN to be called Matron, and you also just HAPPEN to appear out of NOWHERE. Not to mention the fact your very mysteriously told me you knew me before."

"How more oblivious can you get?" Matron slapped her forehead in a very painful 'facepalm.' "It isn't coincidental!"

"Oh..." Aphmau suddenly felt very stupid. "Wait, what."

"Does Matron not ring a bell to you anymore?" Matron asked.

"Well, depends on who your talking about..." Aphmau said, finally getting a reality check and starting to turn gears in her head. "I know of two Matron's, and one of them is me."

Under very normal circumstances, Aphmau would've straight up slapped Matron in the face and run away banshee screaming, but she decided not to do that hence her hand would probably pass through the ghost like a clean knife. 

Since this wasn't a very normal circumstance, Aphmau only stared.

Brilliant mind, isn't she? 

"Have you figured it out yet?" Matron asked.

Children of The Dark (An Aphmau FNAF Crossover) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now