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When I woke up I was in Xavier's bed. Oh how I missed this bed over the last seven hours. I sat there still not being able to get over the fact that I felt like I was on fire. I couldn't bare being in the room by myself and I didn't want to go downstairs from e experience with Aaron.

You know that little voice in your head that tells you to keep your ass in bed? Well I completely ignored that voice.I got out of the bed and noticed Xavier thankfully didn't change my clothes.

I walked down the stairs and as soon as I could step a foot to the bottom stair Xavier was pushing me right back up them.

''Xavier what are you doing? Let me downstairs so I could eat food!''

''You can't go downstairs because my dad and mom are here'' he said in a whisper yell.

That is it! I can't believe the boy I believed would love me for all eternity would be embarrassed for m to meet his parents!

''Xavier are you embarrassed of me?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

''Of course not why would you ask that question?''

''Well because you said the reason I can't go down stairs is because you're mom and father are here''

''I can't let you go down because you're going through heat. That is when you need your mates touch and you crave for of when he won't give it to you. And if you go down there my father will think of me crazy cause I am not with my mate'' he said closing the door behind him.

''So you don't wanna have me go downstairs because tour father will think your missing out on a perfect opportunity to have sex?''

He looked confused at my statement. Good. ''Yes and no'' he said. God was he slow. I gave him a hug. I don't know why. I gave him a hug and  he took a while for him to hug me back but  he did eventually. I said to him, ''I'm going downstairs and you can't stop me.'' with that I ran out of the room and I ran down the stairs.

God mist want this girl to die. I keep telling her that I'm gonna kick her ass when see her again and is is again. I saw a lady I guess was Xavier's mom and I guess Xavier's dad. I walked up to the girl at is known as Joan. ''Can you help bring to my inderstanding why your a person of many colors.'' ''If you weren't my Luna I would gladly kick your ass.'' she said wi a devious look on her face.

''I expect better behaviour outta you Joan, now apologize to the Luna for she could have you killed.'' I heard a voice it sounded a lot

joke Xavier when he used his Alpha tone. I knew instently it was Xavier's father.

''I apologize my Luna, I crossed the line'' she said in a mumble.

''I know u did, but is okay I except your apology, it takes big people to apologize for the things they do''

I gave her a little attitude cause I still wanted to kick her ass but enough to were I wouldn't be penalized for it.

''Hello. I suppose you are Xavier's parents'' I said in a cheery voice.

''Why yes we are'' e woman said

''I'm Deena Rose, bit you cold call me Dee if you would like.''I said in a tone.

''I'm Jared and this is my wife Jess'' he paused ''I would say you could call

us mom and dad but we understand if its too soon'' my face lit up at his offer and I was about to start balling my eyes out when I finally said '' it would be an honor to have you guys as parents'' I went I'm for a big then paused '' May I hug you Alpha and Luna?'' ''Of course darling'' (when I was typing that I imagined her saying it w/ a British accent:-) ) Jess said. I teared up even more and gave my new parents a hug.


we must go tell our son we have left'' i said and with that they were gone. I turned to Joan and smiled

''You know now I can gladly kick your ass''

'' I thought you would never ask'' she said with a smirk

I waited for her t touch me first with my hands across my chest. I looked at the time and it was 8:48 and I was really about to go to sle- I was cut off by a hard push. Did this bitch just push me? Oh yes she d gurl.

Oh hell no. I got up and I looked her in her eyes and I smacked her. I wish I could've punched her but I dont need people dying on my watch. She recovered from the smack cross' the face rather quickly and tried to punch me, I ducked and she missed. I got up and she threw a cheap shot at me.

I got her back and punched the shit outta her and that's when Aaron, Xavier and many other pack members showed up.

What I'm confused on is that mister captain super save a hoe ran in here for her but when my ass was pushed on the floor nobody bit Jesus came and that ain't right.

''Deena, what did you do!?!!" I hear Xavier yell.

''She kicked some serious ass is what she did'' I hear Aaron say

I'll tell you if looks could kill Xavier's idea stare would have had Aaron dead.

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his comment, but my moment of victory was well lived short, because Mr Partypooper him self said,''What the hell is wrong with you two u think a member on our floor motionless is fuckin funny? Hang your heads in shame for such a persons view and take on is! And Deena I'm pretty sure this was all your fault-'' I cut him short cause' he was not bout' to side with her, ''Really my fault? I'm glad you think like that cause since its such of my fault I guess i'mma go to the room! And have fun sleeping on the couch tonight!''

I went  to the room and locked the door behind me so no one would

try and talk to me. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs leading to the room. I ignored them. I laid there in silence until'




''Deena open the door!'' Xavier yelled.

''Now that you yelled, I'm not opening shit!'' I screamed and put my head under the pillow and dozed off

Tomorrow is finally school. I would've never believed I would say that, but throats what it has come to

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