Chapter Five

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I woke to being on top of Xaviers' stomach, his breathing causing me to rise lightly up and down with every rise and fall of his chest. I sat there just looking at him. His stuble, his long black eye lashes resting on his cheeks.

I had to go pee, so I got up and ran to a door I presumed was the bathroom. The bathroom was beautiful black and pink marble tub and matching sink and toilet tops. I stared in awe almost peeing my pants forgetting about my bathroom needs.

I got back to the room. Xavier moved over to his side one hand under his head, the covers pulled dangerously low. I saw the V where his waist meets his, junk if you know what I mean. I didn't mind how he took almost the whole bed up.I got on the bed and cuddle into the wall that Xavier calls his chest.

''I don't want her in this house with all these unmated men!" Yelled a voice waking me up. I hadn't even noticed I had fallen asleep.

"Are you mad because you were lonely during your heat?'' Someone yelled back at the girl that voice woke me up.

What. The. Actual. Fuck

Why are they yelling? It's too early in the morning for them to be yelling. I yawned and scooted closer into Xavier.

''I'll be right back cupcake'' Xavier told me. When he went downstairs the house fell quiet. I remembered what Xavier said about the whole listening to each others thoughts thing so I wanted to try it out.

EUREKA I heard Xavier have a conversation with two other people.

'Xavier its not fair'

'Joan stop your whining'

'I'm pretty sure I was talking to Alpha'

'Stop, both of you!'

The conversation feel quiet only to be restarted again bye the voice known as Joan.

'Alpha, your beloved mate is going through heat, she's in your room on the sixth floor I can, I can smell her in the basement.'

'What problem is this bringing to my consern Joan?'

'She doesn't have a problem she's just mad cause' your mates heat smells delicious'

I heard a growl and then Xavier say,

'Are you attracted to my mate Aaron?'

'N-n-no, never that would be crossing the line as your Beta. And all do respect sir, but, I found my mate I would never go after yours. Truley'

'What the hell is a beta or an alpha' I thought to myself, but then the conversation fell silent again, then the thought of Xavier and the others finding out I eavesdropped  on their mind conversation.

''Deena Rose, please come downstairs into the kitchen on/to the first floor", Xavier called out.

"Coming" I shouted, on my way downstairs I passed five floors, one was a clear floor of nothing but a mirror and a hardwood floor

The second was a big spa I was going there after I get tore up by Xavier. I didn't even understand why he was so upset.

The other three floors were just like the floors I were on in Xavier's room.I got into the kitchen to a girl I guess was Joan and a boy I guess was Aaron and Xavier.

"Would you like to explain what you were upstairs doing in the room sweetheart?" He found out, here we go.

"I was just upstairs looking around, you know?" I was lying out the side of my ass right now.

"Bull'' I hear Joan say, I glared at her.

"Honey don't lie to me I know what you were doing. You were eavesdropping into my private conversation with my pack, the deserves punishment that we will discuss later." The way he said it was like I was a servant of this pack and he was my leader. He was not my leader

''Xavier seriously,I didn't know I just wanted to see if it would work. I wasn't trying to cause any trouble.'' I tried to reason with him.

''Not to me because one, okay you found out it could work and you still desided to listen?" said the girl Joan.

I was two inches away from smacking her, but as soon as I was about to, Xavier pulled me back and gripped me to his chest.

''Xavier put me down! Now!"

''Why so you can get your ass kicked'' Who did she seriously think I was? Just some girl sleeping with Xavier? That was it from here mouth! ''Okay listen herr bitch I'm gonna kick your  ass, I  don't need to hear  your worthless piece of shit mouth. I swear the next time I I see you its gonna be your ass bitch, your ass!" Next thing I was in Xavier's car with an amused look on Xavier's face.

"What's so funny?" Ungrounded out between my teeth. I did not like when people found amusement in my madness.

"Next time I see you it's gonna be your ass bitch, your ass!" Xavier mimicked me in a very much higher voice. I was kind of offended that he thought I sounded like that.

"Oh that was funny? You had a good laugh didn't you? I swear to God the next time I see her, I'm gonna have her kissing my shoes for forgiveness." I was promising myself those words. 

"Babe, it's not that serious." Xavier said. That got me even more mad on top of all the other reason why I was already mad.

"It's not that serious? I can not believe you sat there and let her disrespect me like that. I'm pretty sure I'm higher on the social status tower if werewolves and she thinks she can just talk to me like that. And out of all things, you didn't make her feel bad, you made me look bad!" I paused for a minute.

Was this really what our first fight was over?

"I don't even know what to say right now." I said in disbelief

"Doesn't seem like it." Xavier said. I looked over at him and scoffed. Really? I rolled my eyes and Scooted closer to my door and looked out my window.  

This day was not for me right now.


(Edited chapter)

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