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Hey so the contest is officially officially over.

I'd like to say that this winner had heart soul and charisma.

Also this winner have me the truth the whole truth and nothing but e truth when she gave her final submission.

The winner is, drumroll please.....................Jadeee_Malik! Congrats boo! I'm soooooooooo happy! And guess what your gonna be cause I know you're reading right now, so you are gonna be my long lost twin! OMG OMG OMG! Fun right? I know. And also you will be in my story with asher and Charlie! Now called The Alpha Twins.

You're welcome.

And my next chapter will be up later tonight.

Congrats for the runner up, 1nf1n1tyFor3v3r

I felt bad that I didn't pick your name The Alphas Twinkies.

So your gonna be in Alpha and His Luna too! Your gonna be my BFFL

I know you guys love me right now. its like Christmas all over again!

Jadeee_Malik your name will be Angela.

And 1nf1n1tyFor3v3r your name will be Leila.




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