thirty six

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So I decided that there are going to be two more chapters and this book is overknow its sad. But for never ending fun read Alpha Twins when this book is over, cause I'll post after I'm done with this book. Love you guys. Enjoy.


Three and a half years later:

I wake to the smell of coffee and breakfast.

Today is my 23 birthday.

I know, I've been with Xavier since I was 17. I lost my everything to him. By that I mean Xavier was my first everything.

First love.

First lover.

First husband.

First Father to my kids.

And most importantly,  the first day of my life I met my true best friend for life.

"Mommy, wake up!" yell Charlie and Asher.

There six and a half now. Time goes by like there's no tommorow when your having the time of your life.

"Oh my gosh guys, thnx." I say and give them a hug and a kiss.

"What about daddy,s kiss?" asks Xavier with a fake hurt look on his face.

"Well you can't always get what you want in life, you know?" I say.

"I got you, a wife, kids, alpha, and that's all I could ever ask for." he leans down and kisses me.

"Ewwww!" Asher and Charlie yell.

"Hey why would you guys say that?" i asks.

"Wait I think I know. its because I'm beautiful." Xavier says.

"Yeah dad you'd wish you were as cute as mom." says Asher

I pick him up and pit him on my lap while Charlie climbs up by herself.

"Hey!" I yell as Xavier takes on of my waffles.

" What I'm hungry." he says taking another one.

"Yeah, us to." Charlie says as her and Asher take some of my breakfast.

We all so there laughing and recalling moments of the past. I was happy is was happening to my family on my birthday.

"Wait! Where's Angela and Leila?" I ask

"Well Angela went to go get you a gift and Leila is with her." says charlie

"Oh." I say "Wait! Xavier I need to her her a gift, too!"

"But why?" he asked

"Dumbass cause she's my friend and sister and twin." I say smack I him upside the head.

" Momma what's a dumbass?" he asked

I laugh, "Your father is a dumbass." I say.

Then everyone starts to laugh.

Charlie's P.O.V

Well I'm six now.

My moms still a human.

I wish daddy could just hurry up and change her so wean age old all together.

Asher says that if a werewolf bites a human not for mating, they'll die.

But my older brother is stupider than a sack of peas so I don't believe him one ounce of a bit.

"Daddy, if mommy wanted you to change her, could you. Or would she die like asher said?"

"well if she wanted me to than of course, but she wouldn't die unless I was trying to kill her." daddy says.

'Good." I say.

"Why do you ask?"

"Cause I want mommy to live forever like we do. I mean not like vampire of anything." I explain

"Oh honey, if she wanted that she would tell me."

"OK let's not tell mom okey?"

"Don't tell mom what?" mom asks.

Deena's P.O.V.

I stand in the kitchen waiting to here what Xavier and my six year old are hiding from me.

"Well mom I don't like lying to you so, I just really want daddy to turn you so you can life forever with is, you know? she says with tears starting in her eyes.

"oh well daddy needs to say if he wants to, I've already told him I've wanted to but he says its too dangerous." I say in a comforting tone.

"Of course it'd he you to ly dad. But why?" she says full on crying by now.

"I just want here to live like a regular human." he says trying to reach for the ball curled up into my lao, also known as charlie.

"Xavier, you now damn well I've stopped being a regular person e day I meat you in the hallway at school!" I yell.

He just stands and walks away.


By now its 7 and I pit asher and charlie in the bath and they eat dinner and go to bed.

I get into the shower, after a few minutes the shower curtain opens and Xavier's standing there naked.

He gets in.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Saving the environment." he says then kisses my neck.

After we get out the shower we get I bed.



"do you really wanna be turned?"

"Of course." I say.


"Come here" he says.

"Bend your neck, but don't strain, and try not to yell." he says and I'm so happy.

"Okae." and I do as told.

He bites into my neck right under my ear and I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut.

When he's done I can feel my body changing.

One thing i didn't think was how fast it was going.

I ran to the bathroom as I watched my body change.

My once dark blonde hair turning light black.

My eyes changing to gold with spokes of gray.

And I gained the most curves I've ever seen my body have.

I walk back and Xavier just stares at me .

"You look beautiful" he says.

And we crawl into bed next to each other and go to sleep.

Asher's P.O,V

I listen to the quiet house.

I walk to Charlie's room and knock on the door.

"Hey can I sleep in here tonight?" I ask

"Sure." she says and makes way or me on the bed.

I lay net to her and think of all the times we've had together, and all the things to come.

Then I fell into the best sleep ever.

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