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i woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a truck on my lower side, then I remembered my mom was dead. My mom, gone. Wow. That thought sent me. tears. Instantly.

Xavier heard me I assume because I heard him wake up and come closer to me in his bed. I looked at him and smiled . I realized what I had in my life. Xavier. He was the only one left. The only one. I don't have my brother. I don't want him just to say. I don't

ile my sister. I don't even like seeing my father.

For that I thank Xavier. He was all the was left. Before I knew what I was doing I was on top of Xavier. My head I'm his neck. My hands wrapped on his chest. I really love him. I know he loves me no doubt about it.

''What are you doing?'' he asked with shock in his voice.

''A girl can't lay ontop of her mate with no questions asked?'' I said.

He looked up to me with a smirk on his face. He really does care. Xavier looked at me then asked, ''You wanna go out?'' I looked up at him. ''I'm you're mate. do. really have a choice?'' I asked skeptical.

''Of course you don't, but I wanted you to feel special.'' he said making me smirk and forget about yesterdays events. Almost forgetting.

''So where we going?'' I asked.

''Just get you're pretty little as-'' he stopped himself from fully swearing and regained his controlled, ''but in e shower and meat me down stairs in the livingroom.'' he  says.

With that he was out of my embrace and down the hall. I got up and arrived my cloths and looked in the full length mirror at my naked body-i know you're judging, don't hate- and noticed I had the ugliest stitched scar on my lower abdomen. That's were I got the inner stitches also from ,y surgery.

And I got into the shower without another though about it. I let the soothing water rush over my stitches, wincing a little at the minor pain it caused me.

I got and put on a pair of gray sweatpants-the fabric ones-and a white Hollister bottom at the fop shirt and some white All Star converses.

I looked at myself in the mirror happy with my work, and put my hair in a high messy bun.

I walked down the stairs and noticed the smell of bacon. BACON!

I ran down the stairs, and saw Joan cooking bacon. Aww hell how am I gonna get bacon from her? I walked over to her with my best shiny white smile ever. I am going to star a conversation not a fight.

''Hello Joan.'' I said and earned a confused look from her but she kept the conversation going.

''Good morning my Luna.'' she said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

''Look I know sure not my biggest fan, but I really want to become friends with you just because, you're the Beta female and I'm Luna so we should become friends. Not even close friends, just friends that don't beat each others asses.'' I say with an almost fake but some what genuine smile.

''Mmmmhmm, I know what you want,'' she started. ''if you want me to make you bacon just say so.'' she said with a real smile on her face. ''But I would love to be the Luna's friend. Her close friend.''

We both smiled at the same time both as genuine as could be and then she put a bug plate fyll of Bacon and we sat there for like a half hour laughing about all the times both of us got Xavier and Aaron mad. I actually had fun.

''Thank you for the laughs'' I said standing up to go to the living room.

''its all my pleasure Luna. And I'm glad we're friends.'' she says.

I walked in the living room a only to see the five most people in the world I didn't want to see u til I was dead.

My dad.

My sister.

My dads daughter.

My brother.

And my dads wonderful wife. Note the sarcasm.

''What the hell are you guys doing in my house!?'' I snapped going Luna mode.

''Well hello to you too.'' my sister said, exactly why I don't like her. Exactly.

''Well nice to see you too Rebecca.'' I say to my sister.My brother just gave me a silent nod , ''Hey Jason'' I said to him.

"Deedee!'' yelled my fathers daughter that I only met three times and she already loves me. ''Hey AshAsh!'' I said. Even though we're not fully blood related, this was my younger sister.

I waved to my dads 'current' wife. I looked to my father and he looked sorrowful.

''Hello father'' I say as nice as I could. Wonder how that sounded. ''Ho's my little doll?'' he said, ''Gee how do you think I'm doing?''I asked still cold.

''Look Deena I'm so sorry about what I did to you. I know I can't just waltz back into you're life, bit I have to, because, have to move in with me, you're sister, you're brother, you're younger sister and youre mother.'' he said as 'cool' as possible.

''There is no way in bloody hell I'm moving in with you guys. The day I move in with you is the day my mother turns in her grave. And let's get one thing straight, that bimbo blonde over there is not my mother. I don't want you ever want they to be my mom.'' I say as disgusted as possible.

''Well I guess she's gonna turn in her grave today'' he said grabbing my arm.

I was about to kick then realized I could mind-link Xavier.

where the hell are you?
At the store why?
I'm being kidnapped by my father.
What the hell! I'm on my way make sure he doesn't take you.

Ten minutes past of me kicking and screaming scratching anyone that come in arms length of me before Xavier came. He came in looking furious at my father and 'family'.

''Took you long enough'' I say. He looks at me disappointedly mad.

''What the hell are you doing to my girlfriend?'' he yelled. Of course the thought of me being Xavier's girlfriend made me have sparks. Even though I was already his mate.

''My daughter needs to come home with her family.'' said my father.

People from the pack now surrounding me and Xavier. ''This is her family and she is home.'' says someone from the crowd behind us. Of course my brother be of protective even though he technically doesn't even know me says, ''My sister is coming home with us. I'll call the police on you if you wanna play games. And u don't own her.

''Oh I wanna play games. And I kinda do own her.'' Xavier says.

Oh what the bloody-hell have I gotten into?

All I see  is Jason lunge forward at Xavier. All jell broke lose when he did that. Xavier knocking him out cold. Fan he can punch. Remind me to NEVER get on his bad side. EVER.

Then Joan motions for me to get Ashley and bring her to the room upstairs while Xavier and the pack ''handle'' my brother and fathers and his wife.

What the holy hell have I gotten my self into?

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