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This is gonna be mostly Dee's P.O.V AND SO ON ENJOY:-)

I woke up with the biggest pain in my lower sided and noticed I wasn't in my bed or Xavier's bed. I was on this ugly white bed. I heard muffled footsteps come towards the door and then the door opened and I squeezed my eyes tightly and listened to the conversation between two voices.

Xavier and Jess.

''When is she waking up? She's been out for almost four days'' I hear Xavier say. ''Well Alpha she should be waking up ant hour now'' I hear Jess say. I wanted to spare Jess's life so I pretended to wake up.

''Oh my goodness she's awake!'' I hear Jess say and walk out the room to give me and Xavier privacy.

''Hey'' I say he laughs and then kisses my cheek and says, ''Hello princess'' I am happy to hear that name again.

''Did you tell my mom what had happened or did u never speak to her? I ask

''We never spoke to her cause' we can't get a hold on when and where she is'' he says and then the door flies open causing me to jump.

''Alpha'' someone from the pack obviously said.

''Yes Ryann'' Xavier says

''We got a trace on Dee's mom'' he says looking at me with a not of sorrow in his eyes.

''Well what's the problem?'' asks Xavier.

''I'm truly sorry Luna, but you're mother she died yesterday in a car crash'' he says to me before walking out.

I scream in pain and agony. I lost my mother. She's gone. Oh god why me what did I do to you. I'm shutting there crying and screaming before Xavier asks me , ''Will you be alright?'' what the fucking hell did he just say? My ,on just died and he's asking me if I'm gonna be 'alright'

''No *sob* my mom *sob* just died *soooooooooob*" I can barely get those words out properly before I fall into arms that encircled me in comfort. This is all wrong my birthday I'd next month and I don't have my mommy to spend it with. I sob quietly in Xavier's arms remembering that u just had a surgery and then my mom dies.

I drift off to a deep sleep thinking about all the times that my on and I had together. Wow she's really gone. I let darkness take over me and the last thing I remember before falling to sleep is Xavier kissing me and say ''I love u and I'm here'' before squeezing me tight. Then I'm out like a light.


I'm so sorry I killed her mom like that. I mean it fit what I was going or in this chappie so I love you guys and im really really tired so g-nite


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