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As I walked into the school I felt a wave of relief come over me.

I ran the rest of the way to my locker earning curious looks from the other people in the school.

When I got my locker I saw Jordan and ran as fast as I could to her.

''I see someone is happy to see their girlfriend'

''Babe, it was a long ass weekend''

I know you're probably confused on me and Jordan's relationship. We are strictly BFFL'S  only but we tend to call each other like we are girlfriends. I know crazy right?

The bell rang,''I gotta go see ya at lunch?'' she asked looking over her shoulder at me. ''sure'' I said not knowing if Xavier would make me sit with him and his goons at lunch but if he did.........................................

Jordan was coming with me.

The second bell rang indicating that you should be walking to first period.

I was on my way to first period when o was grabbed by he waist,and relaxed a little when I felt sparks because with sparks meant Xavier.

''What do you want?'' I said trying to sound deadly.

He just stiffled a laugh and said, ''I am sorry do you know that babe?''

I went weak! I tried to stand my ground and so only recovered and stood ground more.

''I truley don't give a shot about you're sorries okae?''

''I guess I'm gonna have to make you believe me then.''

''What the hell are you talk- ''

I was cut off by Xavier's lips crashing into mine.

I pulled away for breathe and looked into Xavier's eyes filled with lust and want,

''Are you convinced?'' he asked with hope in his voice

'' Not convinced'' I said as if there were no thought to it.

The first part of the before lunch went by fast.

I walked into the lunch room and saw my boyfriend Xavier, and my best friend, Jordan and decided to sit with whoever called me first.

When I left the lunch line I see Xavier nor Jordan made an attempt to talk to me so I decided to just do Ennie-Meenie-Miney-Mo and however it landed on I'd sit with. Oh joy it landed on Xavier.

I made my way over to him getting a glance here and there from Jordan's table of girls. I kept walking to Xavier and when I reached other I heard a lot of 'Hi Luna's' and a ''Hello'' from me.

I looked for an open space and decided I'd just sit on Xavier's lap.

He liked that a lot, if you know what I mean.

I ate quietly while conversation broke out around me.

The bell rang saying lunch was over and I got up and gave Xavier a hug and a kiss and went to my last period of the day before s book was finally over and I was happy about that, but I was upset that it was going to be the ugliest period ever........P.E.....eewwww

I walked to the gym....eewwww......I got into my gym clothes and went out to the gym to the volleyball net.Its boys against girls and I'm not so happy bout' it my self.  But I get through the rest of gym getting socked in the face seven or eight times but I'm fine.

I got back into the locker room and quick changed into clothe so I COULD GET THE HELL OUTTA THIS DAMN SCHOOL!

I walked as fast ad I could to Xavier's house so he could drop me home befor ''The Warden'' came home.

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