Chapter Three

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My mother left a note on the door that read: 'I'll be out late. No parties, no nothing. Don't wait up'

Right now I wished that I had some company in my house with me. I never really had friends other than Jordan and after today I doubt she'd want to come over and hang out with me.

I ran upstairs to my room and changed out of my clothes. My knit sweater had a bit of dried up blood on it. The thought of what happened in the hall mad chills run down my spine and gave me goose-flesh.

The doorbell rang and I walked downstairs and opened the door. Standing at the door was the devil himself.

Xavier Colt.

By him standing there all the memories of a few hours ago flush through my mind and I feel my body heat up.

"Come in." I offered him. He strode into my living room and looked around a bit, making me feel a little insecure about my house. No doubt Xavier's house is huge!

"I came here to explain today." He said. I stated at him expectantly waiting for him to finish, "As you might not know I recently turned eighteen, which means that my-Okay Deena listen you might not believe me, this might scare you but, I'm a werewolf and since I'm eighteen, my senses have sortof heightened and resulted in me finding my mate, you, and becoming Alpha of my pack of wolves that my father currently runs. As soon as I introduce you to my family you will become my Luna and the rest of the packs as well. Then we have a ceremony and eventually get married." He all said in kind of one breath. Saying the last part kind of uncertainly.

I literally just stared into a blank space for what felt like ages literally. I finally broke the silence. 

"Ok" was all I could reply with. I don't know If I'm ok with what was just told to me, but in that moment that's what my brain came up with as a wonderful idea to say.

Xavier stalked towards my body, which made me back up further into the living room and falling onto my couch. He stood over me and then suddenly picked me up into his arms and walked me upstairs and towards my bedroom.

When we got into my room he laid me down onto my full sized bed as he trailed kisses down my neck, heat flowered through the south part of my body making me feel butterflies inside of my stomach

I was there and he was there.

The guy I haven't spoken to since second grade, was in my bed ontop of me as we ferociously kissed each other.

My hands in an instant wrapped around his back, scratching his back with every kiss he laid on my neck.

"Xavier" he said.

"What? Why are you moaning your own name?" I asked confused

"I wanted to make sure you knew what to scream." He replied

His words made me blush a little bit and he smirked. I was so confident that Xavier's name would not even dare of coming out of my mouth.

He asked if I were ready. For what you ask?

"For the ride of your life cupcake." in his exact words.

I laughed of pleasure of how funny this guy was.

I thought it was a joke because before I knew it he was tugging at the bottom of my shirt lifting it above my waist line.

I wrapped my legs around his abdomen, and pulled him by his shirt closer to me.

I got ahold of his hair like always and he groaned.

He was pulling at the bottom of my shirt again.

And in an instant it was whisked off. I was legs around this boys waist, shirt off in my bed, in nothing but a bra and jeans, which I was pretty sure would be off in a minute or two.

I wasn't about to be the only one without a shirt, so I pushed up on Xavier and I was on top of him now.

I tore his shirt off his body, then him turning the table back so I was under him again.

In an instant I don't know how but my pants ended up coming off.

And so did his. We were in my bed in our underwear.


I woke up with Xavier in my bed. I leaned over on his stomach trying to get to the clock to see what time it was when his hand grabbed me back into bed,

"Where are you going?" I was scared because two seconds ago he was asleep, but then i remembered he was a werewolf. I don't think I'll ever get used to saying that. I mused to myself as to why I wasn't scared of him.

"To the clock and then the bathroom.", my voice was trembly and it came as a question again.

I guessed he took it as reasonable answer because he let me go. When I got home it was 5:45 and now believe it or not its 8:30.


I was giddy but, when I got back he had all his clothes on and I assumed he was leaving.

I had an annoyed look on my face that he seemed to notice cause he asked me what was wrong, and that set me off.

"What the hell do you mean 'what's wrong.," I growled

"I don't know whats wrong you won't tell me" he said. I was done playing with Xavier like he was stupid so I went OFF. "Well let me see. You have your clothes on about to leave. Playing me like a hoe and I'm not gonna be mad?" his eyes turned a watery chocolate color, "I was gonna ask if you wanna come to my house." I felt bad for yelling at him like that, and a beautiful,"of course" came out my mouth.

He picked me up putting cloths on me. And I left a note on the counter telling my mother I went out with a friend and I'll be home late or tommorow. I really didn't care because it was Friday and I lived for Friday.

He put me in his car and we were in his drive way in no time. I was greeted at the door by the same boys from the lunch room and many more.

Xavier was having a side conversion like I was death. "Why is she here? Does she know about us?" Xavier growled at all those who questioned him.

I headed upstairs to the second floor. I came across about six rooms.I went into one and instantly knew it was Xavier's room. I sat on his bed and went in to a wishful sleep. When I heard footsteps gracefully walking up the stairs.

Guys I love you sooooo much for reading and if you want anything added please tell me please vote comment and like I'll try and get another chapter up before I go to bed:-) :-) :-) I do it for you guys only . and till next chapter:-) :-)

(Edited chapter)

xxxxxxxxxxjadahxxxxxxxxxxx:-) :-) :-)

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