Part 1 (Josh)

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Hey guys, so before I get into this I'd like to say that this fanfic is being writen by two people, me and ohtylerjoseph I'm doing Josh's P.O.V and they're doing Tyler's P.O.V. Well, let's get into this!
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Josh's P.O.V (6:00 am)

I slap the last coat of paint onto the canvas. Taking a step back, I examine my finished masterpiece that I had been working on since four in the morning.

My hand stretches up to my face and rubs my chin slightly as I stare at the swirls of color. The yellow shifted into the pink perfectly, making the sunset look realistic. The shadowing was slightly off, could do better, but it still looked good.

I want to show someone this work of art, but sadly I'm alone in my apartment. Well, I have my fish but I can't exactly speak to it... I'm mute and never learned sign language. I carry a notepad with me everywhere I go to speak, people sometimes get a little impatient with me but that's alright, the days still go on.

The thought of my fish reminded me that I should probably go and feed it.

I lay my paint brush down on the easel and get up. I keep Splashy, my goldfish, by the kitchen sink. It's an odd place to keep a fish, but the sink to him is home. As I approach him I notice he isn't swimming as lively as he usually is. That's odd...

My hand wraps around the goldfish food container and shakes a couple of flakes into the tank. Splashy slowly swims up to them, eats one, then floats back down to the bottom.

I shrug it off and decide to head back to my room so I can get changed and ready for the day.

I slide on a grey NASA shirt, black skinny jeans, a grey beanie and for the finishing touch, maroon high-top sneakers. I may have been up quite a bit last night, but I'm awake enough to go on a small walk.

When I enter the outside world I take notice to the crisp fall air. A slight breeze  ruffled the goldening leaves in the trees and the occasional leaf would fall. I pull out my phone and take a picture of this beautiful scenery. This should be fun to draw. I tangle my hands through my blue hair as I stare at the outstanding picture.

After a minute or two of staring at this captivating picture, I continue my walk. As I was walking, the back of my throat was becoming dry so I  decided to stop at a small grocery store to buy a Red Bull.

"Isn't it a little early for one?" The cashier asks, sliding the little can into a plastic bag.

I write down "no" on my notepad and show it to her. I then grab the bag and leave back to my apartment with a smile, but once I get home I notice that something seems off. Unable to identify what seems off, I head back over to Splashy, but abruptly stop moving when I see the poor fish floating upside down in the water.

Splashy! No... you're the only one who kept me company in this sad apartment.

I pick up his tank with a frown and flush him down the toilet. Well... looks like I need a new pet.

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