Part 33 (Tyler)

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My eyes shoot open from my nightmare and I'm pinned to Josh's side so tightly it's as if he's making sure I'm never going to leave.

I try, and fail, multiple times to get his arm off of me so I can go to the bathroom, eventually sighing in defeat and shaking him awake. He grunts at me and I poke his arm, asking him to move it.

He slowly unwraps his arm from my torso and I get off the bed and silently walk across his bedroom to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and holy crap, I look half dead. Blurry really needs to let me get at least one good night of sleep.

I bend down to splash some water on my face in an attempt to look a little better, and when I look back up into the mirror a streak of white is running through my hair and my eyes are tinted red.

"What the fuck?" I whisper as I blink rapidly and when I open my eyes I'm back to normal.

"Jesus, this sleep deprivation is fucking with me." I mutter as I make my way back to bed with Josh.

--(the next day)

Josh, Dan, Phil and I are seated at table for four in a small cafe having brunch, when I have suddenly don't feel very good.

Josh must have noticed because he hands me a note. You ok?

I simply shake my head and stand from the table to use the restroom and he mirrors my actions, "It's fine, Joshie. I'm just going to the bathroom." I whisper.

He takes his seat again and I sprint to the bathroom. Dan and Phil haven't noticed any of this because they're too busy arguing about what the best pokemon is.

As soon as my foot crosses the threshold of the bathroom door the contents of my stomach come into my throat and I run to the nearest toilet.

I finish vomiting and get up to go to the sink to rinse my mouth but a shudder runs through my entire body and collapse. I brush it off and get back up and when I look in the mirror Blurryface is staring back at me.

"What? Blurry you better explain yourself. Now." I say as I blink and try to get my face back to normal.

"I discovered something, Tyler." He says from the back of my mind. "I can possess you because you're ten times more vulnerable than Josh ever was."

My eyes go wide as I realize how dire this situation has become. "W-why would you want to possess me?"

"So I could commit dirty, dirty crimes, Tyler." He grins at me sinisterly.

"We have a deal, you can't do that." I argue.

"We never said anything about possession, but about the deal, you have one more month before I do bad, bad things." he says, then my head goes silent and my face is back to normal. I take a few deep breaths and go back to the table.

"Josh, can we go?" I ask and he looks up at me and nods. I hand Phil a few bills, "That should pay for everything, and when you finish could you please box up our leftover food, I don't want it to go to waste."

"Sure thing, Tyler. I'll see you guys back at the apartment." Phil waves as we exit the building.

When we reach the apartment Josh quickly unlocks the door and follows in behind me. I immediately collapse into his arms and sob while he strokes my hair.

Once I calm down enough to speak I sit down on the couch with him and tell him about everything Blurryface told me earlier. His expression goes grave as the realization of all things Blurry could do sets in.

I still have a week of school left and as soon as that is over we're flying home and starting that band. He smiles sadly and I smile back at him.

"During that week I can work on some songs! I brought my ukulele with me." I say, excitement clear in my voice... I'm still terrified of the band and singing in front of people thing, but I love making music. He grins and hands me another note.

Plus Dan, Phil and I's schedule next week makes it so that at least one of us will be with you all day, so you won't have to be alone :)

"Thank you so much, Joshie. I love you. Can we take a nap?" I ask suddenly drained from all of the recent events... I also really want to snuggle Josh.

He nods and follows me into his bedroom where both of our belongings are strewn about, I decided to just stay with Josh instead of wasting money on a hotel. We climb into his bed and I curl up to his chest, then fall into the most peaceful sleep I've had in awhile.

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