Part 35 (Tyler)

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It's currently 9:30 and Josh, Dan, and Phil are helping me set up everything. We got one of the janitors to set up a small platform on the left side of the large cafeteria so I wouldn't have to perform on the floor.

A little while later, I quickly pull Josh to the side, "I-i don't know if I can do this, Joshie." He pulls me into a hug and kisses my jaw lightly, then hands me a note. They'll love you, Ty. Pretend you're singing to me.

"O-okay. I love you." I say, stuttering due to nerves, and he runs to take his place at one of the cafeteria tables that are full of people.


The show went off without a hitch, and just as Josh said, everybody loved my music. I performed Addict with a Pen, Kitchen Sink, The Pantaloon, March to the Sea, and Forest. We quickly pack my things and leave.

On the way back to the apartment I start to space out and play the whole song Can't Help Falling in Love on my ukulele without realizing it. "That was amazing, Tyler!" Phil says, snapping me back into reality, after I finish.

"Oh, I didn't even realize I was playing." I laugh as we approach the apartment door. Josh goes in first carrying my keyboard, then Dan with the speaker, then Phil with the mic and mic stand, and lastly me with my ukulele.

We set everything down and settle in to watch a movie before Phil and Josh have to go to class. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief as I look into the mirror and see that my hair is back to only a streak of white and my eyes are back to red-ish brown.

Suddenly Blurryface appears behind me and I let out a huff of annoyance before turning to face him.

"What the fuck was that possession yesterday?! You said I had a month." I growl at him.

"I was bored." he simply states.

"That's not an excuse, god damn it! Can you please just leave me alone? I played a show in front of people and they loved it, what more do you want from me?" I snap.

"How about another deal? Like-" he starts but I interrupt him.

"Yeah, because you're so loyal with deals." I mutter.

"What was that, Tyler?"

"Nothing, continue."

"As I was saying," he rolls his eyes, "if you, hmmm, hurt yourself right now I'll leave you alone forever."

"Really?" I ask, eager to make him leave.

"Did I stutter?" he sarcastically replies.

"No," I respond while searching for Josh's razor.

Right as I place the blade against the soft skin of my wrist, someone bangs on the bathroom door. "J-just a minute." I say, startled by the sudden noise.

Josh ignores me and opens the door, then looks from the razor blade pressed against my wrist to my eyes. He shakes his head and with shaky hands he pulls me into a hug.

What were you thinking? He hands me the note with tears welling in his eyes.

"Blur-blurry said that if I hurt myself he would leave me alone for ever." I say, choking up from seeing Josh on the brink of tears.

He was lying, Ty. There is no way in hell he would let you go that easy. Please don't listen to him.

"I'm sorry, Josh. He's just so tempting." I say, letting the tears fall down my face.

There's no reason to apologize. Josh smiles through his tears at me. I love you my lil' dumpling.

"I love you too, Joshie." I lean my forehead against his and place a small kiss on his lips. "Go to class."

He places one last kiss on my forehead and walks down the hall to gather his art supplies. "Have fun!" I yell as he walks out the door.


Josh gets back from class and we snuggle in the lounge. There is no trace of Blurry in any of my features anymore, and for once I have hope that he might be leaving.

Josh and I head back to the states in a couple of days and I'm extremely excited because he said he has something amazing planned for me.

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