Part 21 (Tyler)

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I wake up with a start. My head is on Josh's abdomen and one of his hands is resting on the top of my head. I quickly realized I'm in his apartment. The events of earlier flood my mind and with a small blush I notice we're both still naked. We must have fallen asleep once we finished, I think with a small giggle. I take a few minutes to admire his beautiful naked body, then shake him awake. He grunts while squinting his eyes, letting them adjust to the bedside lamp's light.

"Wanna go see a movie?" I ask while looking at the clock, "It's 9:47, we can see if there are any late night showings." He nods and grabs his laptop off of the nightstand, quickly scanning the local movie theater's website. He turns the laptop towards me and points, Lights Out: Show Times, 3:40, 5:45, 10:30. "A horror movie, huh. I might piss my pants but it's fine," Josh grins and I start to get up off of the bed, but my foot catches the rug on his floor and I face plant, causing him to laugh so hard he rolls off the bed, landing on top of me. "Ouch!" I say and we both start laughing again.

He hovers over me on all fours and with a giggle I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He puts his hand on the small of my back for support and stands, then sets me on the bed lightly and starts to turn to walk away. "Where the heck do you think you are going?" I ask while raising my eyebrows and wiggling my finger at him.

He smiles and hands me a note, shower. "Not without me," I say with a wink. He starts to walk away again, "Wait...Joshie will you carry me?" I grin at him. He huffs, and with a smile, picks me up bridal style; I squeal the whole way to the bathroom. He sets me on the counter while he adjusts the temperature of the water, then turns around and starts to lightly suck my neck, where ear meets jaw.

He pulls away and climbs into the small shower. "Ugggggh, don't tease me Joshie." I whine while following him into the shower. He turns his back to me and starts to lather his hair with his shampoo, so I wrap my arms around his waist tightly, planting light kisses across the back of his neck and his shoulder blades. Once we finish rinsing off, we get dressed and drive to the movie theater. The whole drive Josh holds my hand and rubs small circles against my palm.

We find a good parking space and climb out of the car. "I love you, Josh." I say while resting my head on his shoulder and intertwining our fingers. He smiles in response and holds the door open for me. "What a gentleman," I say with a grin, "Race you to the ticket booth. 1.....2....3!"

We sprint to the small booth and the woman behind the counter looks at us strangely, but before she can say anything I speak into the microphone, a little breathless, "Two tickets for Lights Out, please." She punches something into her computer then says, "That'll be 22.56," I slide the card through the slot, then she swipes it quickly and hands it back.

As we walk away, tickets in hand, Josh hands me a note. She looks like she has a stick up her butt. We both chuckle at his comment and walk into the theater.

We sit in two open seats in the top row of the small theater and quickly mute our phones. I lean my head on his shoulder and let the movie trailers flash before my eyes.

~time skip to the middle of the movie~

It's the scene of the movie that's set in the basement and to say I was terrified was an understatement. I was gripping Josh's hand extremely hard while biting my lip, whispering, "No. No. No." A jump-scare occurs and I shriek like a 5 year old girl, causing Josh to laugh.

"Shut up, I just peed a little. How the hell are you not scared!?" I whisper yell at him. He just shrugs and turns his attention back to the screen. I watch his pulse flicker against his neck for a few minutes, then turn to the movie again.

With just my luck, as I turn my head Diana pops up out of the middle fucking nowhere, causing me to have a small heart attack and curse under my breath. I look over at Josh, who hasn't even flinched during the whole movie. "Joshie, I'm scared. Can I sit on your lap?" He nods, and I slide onto his lap while wrapping my arms around his neck.

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