Part 26 (Josh)

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Sunshine leaks through the blinds and shines down on my face. I slowly sit up on the bed and instantly notice that Tyler isn’t cuddling up next to me. Not even Amber is in sight. My eyes shift around the room just to see if he might be in the closet or something, but he isn’t.

I slide my feet off the side of the bed and into a pair of pastel pink slippers. I head out the room in search of the lovely man named Tyler but instead find Brendon looking through the presents underneath the tree. He hears me and instantly jumps and looks at me. “Oh it’s just you, you scared me, Josh.” He notices that I’m still looking around and he makes another small ‘ah’ noise. “Tyler said he had to buy you one last thing for Christmas… oh yeah…. Merry Christmas.” I smile at him and head back to Tyler and I’s bedroom. I forgot to wrap his present! Stupid me, I need to do that fast.


“Joshie, baby, I’m home!.. Oh hi Brendon.” I hear Brendon snort and I rush out of the room and tackle Tyler to the ground, planting kisses on his neck and nose. Brendon makes a sound of disgust and Tyler just laughs while wrapping his arms around me.

“Merry Christmas to you too my small waternut.”

“What are you guys gonna do, have Christmas sex all day?” Tyler stiffens up.

“Brendon, there’s no need to be like that.” Brendon grumbles and sits down on the loveseat next to the tv. “Let’s start opening the presents.” Tyler suggests while hopping off the ground and distributing the small pile of presents sat underneath the tree.


Brendon and I had finished opening our presents and Tyler was on his last one, this one was from me. Brendon got tweezers from Tyler because Tyler said that he needed to “shorten that massive forehead he’s got there.” I don’t know how you can shorten a forehead with tweezers but hey, it’s Tyler’s gift. I had given Brendon a nice red sweater that he had instantly thrown on and thanked me for it. Tyler had given me drumsticks and a small snare to take with me while Brendon gave me a bunch of art utensils.

Tyler started unwrapping the present from me slowly until he suddenly jumps up and gasps. “Is this what I think it is?” Tyler sinks back down into his spot and unwraps it a little more. “It is! A baritone ukulele!” He throws the wrapper to the side and lifts up the box which held the uke.

“Thank you so much, Joshie, I love you!” We exchange a hug and start telling random stories to fill the quiet house.

After telling many tales, Tyler and I head off to bed. Brendon said he was going to binge watch The Office for this sixth time while we went to bed.

Tyler takes his place on the left side of the bed and instantly sinks into the bed. I lay down next to him and slide him a note that I had been keeping ever since we opened presents. Once Tyler reads it, he laughs. “You’re right, Brendon’s idea about Christmas sex is a good ide-” He stops talking and his eyes seem to be staring at something in the corner of the room. Tyler lets out small weeps as he stares. I slowly wrap my arms around him, I know what he’s staring at I just don’t know why I can’t see him as well. “Josh...he’s in here with us…”

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