Part 7 (Tyler)

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Once Josh finishes giving me a tour of his apartment we sink onto opposite sides of the couch and pick something to watch on netflix.

He hands me a note, 'want to watch stranger things?'

"Sure, I haven't had time to finish the season yet," About 13 minutes into the show out of the corner of my eye, I see Josh scoot closer to me. Is that what I really saw? Does he like me too?

Once the episode is over my stomach growls so loud it makes Amber jump. I forgot I didn't eat breakfast this morning. "Hey Josh, wanna get some Taco Bell?" I ask with a slight smile.

In response he jumps off the couch, slips on his shoes and jingles his keys at me. I quickly get up and follow him to the parking garage downstairs. The whole way to Taco Bell we just sit in silence listening to the heartless songs on the radio.

We order our food and sit down in a booth, across the table from each other. Our food arrives after a few painful minutes of small talk. About halfway through our meal I say something to him.

"Let's play a game called one question, as you probably guessed from the name of it we each get to ask each other one question and the other one has to answer honestly. You go first," He takes another bite of his taco and thinks about what he is going to ask me. He gets a slight frown when he thinks, adorable.

He jots something down on his notepad then hands it to me. 'What's your favorite thing in the whole, wide world right now?"

"A boy with pastel blue hair...I'm not going to name any names," I say and his cheeks get a red tint. "Ok, my turn now," I say... the exact reason I suggested we play this was so I could ask him this question.

"Do you like me?"

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