Part 28 (Josh)

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Blurriness. That's all I see. But soon my vision starts to clear and two scared brown eyes are shaking me awake. My neck feels like rocks have been jabbed into them and I slowly start to sit up.

“Josh? Are you okay?” Tyler said, his voice laced with panic. I nod and grab my neck slightly rubbing it, trying to cool the burning feeling. What had happened?

“Blurryface tried to suffocate you…” Tyler said as if he had been reading my mind. I need to remember how I got rid of Blurryface. And then I remembered.


“Are you ready to play, Josh?” Blurry asked as I slowly walked outside and into my shed. I look up at him, I may not be able to talk but with him I can. “No.” Blurry makes a clicking noise with his tongue as he followed me into the shed.

“Are you sure? There’s some rope you could dangle from in the shed…”  I shake my head, trying to hold back tears. His voice was just too goddamn persuasive.

“You could tie a noose around your mind…”  he whispered into my ear while I dizzlesearching for the rope he had talked about. Before I know it, Blurry pushes me against the wall, knocking over some cans of paint. The paint flew open and black splattered onto my hands and neck. He tries to place a hand on me but when he does, his hand starts to turn white and he lets out a surprised squeak. “Wh-what?”  He tried one more time but this time he let out screams of agony. “Why?!”  Something inside me felt a little courageous so I tried something.

“Blurry, i don’t think i have a need for you anymore.” I take a step closer to him and he falls against the shed, trying to protect himself from whatever had happened.

“The paint… it’s hiding your insecurities… how is this happening?” He gasps in pain as i touch him once more. “Leave me.”  I command. He cowers against the floor and whispers, “but… we’re linked.” I turn around and search for that noose he was talking about earlier. I grab it and tie one end of it around my wrist and the other end around his. I then grab a pair of scissors that are lying on a bench and slowly cut the rope. Once it had snapped I looked at him and whispered, “not anymore.”


I had apparently been writing all of that down, and when Tyler read it he gave me the strangest look. “So I have to put… black paint on my hands and neck to weaken him and cut a noose? He told me that I had to face an insecurity of mine. Or sing in front of people.” And then it hit me. I had faced my biggest fear of standing up to people, I’d never been able to do it before until Blurry came ‘round. Something about the paint hides your insecurities and fears.  

Tyler looks around with a worried expression plastered onto his face. “I don’t really have any money to buy rope for the noose… And because you’ve already done this he might avoid it.” Something clicks inside of me when Tyler mentioned the singing. Tyler, you're fantastic at singing and I can somewhat play the drums.  He said if you sing in front of people  he might let you go… what if we make a band?  

Tyler reads the note and makes a sad face. “No Josh… I can’t… I just can’t. Well… no.” Maybe if i nag him… I don’t want Blurry to be stuck with him as long as he was with me.

a/n i would really like your guys' opinion on "ask the authors" thanks! -livi :)

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