Part 36 (Josh)

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"Where are you taking me?" Dan asks as I drag him into the front doors of the shopping center.

I let go of his sleeve and turn around to face him. I slide the pencil down from my ear and start writing away, I need to hurry, I'm gonna buy a ring for Tyler and propose to him when we get back to America. I thought maybe if I brought you or Phil along we'd get this done faster.

While Dan reads the note his eyes go big and his jaw drops. "You're proposing to Tyler?!" He practically screams. I put a finger up to his mouth to shush him while the surrounding shoppers give us strange looks. I slowly nod my head and write him another note, do you know where the jewelry store is?

Dan nods and gestures for me to follow him. "Do you know what type of ring Tyler would like? Like... is he more of the girly type?" I shrug and we both head into the store and immediately start looking for the perfect ring.

"Hello, welcome to Shades of Pink, how may I help you two lovely boys?" A cheerful woman with blonde hair was standing by the cash register, politely waiting for our response. Dan is the first to speak, "Uh, Josh is looking for a ring to propose to his boyfriend with." I nod and she takes a step out from the cash register.

"Our selection of men's rings are right over there." She points to the the middle table where a sign stands that clearly says 'Men's Rings.' Wow, how did we not see that? We give our thanks and take our search over there.

After a solid thirty minutes of looking, I finally decided on a nice stainless steel navy blue ring. The woman with blonde hair had put the ring in a black velvet case and sent us on our way. Now I just have to make sure Tyler doesn't find this.


One day. One day til' Tyler and I head back to the states. Everyday nervousness only grows inside of me.

I decided that I'd wait two days after we arrive in the states because one, I just need some time to relax and two, I had promised that Dan and Phil could come. My plan was that Dan and Phil would surprise Tyler when we go back to my apartment. I don't know how I will pop the big question, all I know is that it will be romantic as hell.

"Josh! Can you come here please?" I get up from the couch and walk into Tyler and I's room and I'm quite startled at what I find.

"Do you like it?" I look Tyler up and down and gawk at what he is wearing. Tyler was wearing a pastel pink shirt with lace at the ends and a pastel purple skirt that matched perfectly with the pink.

I grab my notepad from my back pocket and write down my thoughts, wow. Tyler I didn't know you were into this type of stuff.

While he reads it his smile slowly turns upside down. "You don't like it do you. I can change back into my regular clothes, I just wanted to try something new, sorry." I wave my hands in front of me trying to tell him to stop. I once more write another note, no, Tyler you're probably one of the only people who can actually pull this look off! You look quite sexy actually.

Tyler blushes and leans forwards to kiss me. "Thanks, Josh. I promise I won't wear things like this every day, I just wanted to see if you liked them." Tyler turns around and returns to his packing.

I retreat back to the lounge where Dan and Phil are both silently sipping on drinks and browsing the internet.

Phil notices that I've returned and speaks, "I'm gonna miss you when you leave to America."

"No, you're not, we're going too," Dan looks around and lowers his voice to a whisper, "Their proposal remember?"

"Oh yeah! Tyler's never gonna see it coming." Both Dan and I angrily 'shhhhh' him. "Sorry." Phil looks back at his computer.

"What am I never gonna see coming?" Tyler enters the room, still in his pastel clothes, and both boys just stare.

"Woah. Tyler are you a crossdresser? Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just wondering." Dan asks and Tyler just shakes his head.

"No, I just wanted to try it out." Tyler must've forgotten about his earlier question because he sits down right next to me and starts switching through the channels.

Tyler looks over at me and gives me a small peck on the nose. A blush tints my cheeks and I just think, how did this beautiful man by the name of Tyler Robert Joseph become my boyfriend and soon-to-be husband?


"Goodbye Dan, Phil. I'll call you guys sometime soon!" We all exchange hugs and Tyler and I board our plane. "I'm so excited to finally be back home. I hope Brendon remembered to feed Amber." I nod my head in agreement and we both sit down in our spots.

Goodbye London, hello Columbus, I think to myself as the plane starts moving.

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