Part 19 (Tyler)

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I pull into the driveway while wiping the tears that are falling from my eyes. Why would he cheat on me??? What did I do??? Am I not good enough???

I throw open the front door and sprint to my room, not even bothering to close it behind me. I collapse onto my bed and let out heart-wrenching sobs. A few minutes later I hear footsteps thuding down the hall towards my room.

(Brendon's P.O.V)

I pull into the driveway from having coffee with a few friends and see the front door wide open. What the hell? I think with a frown. I also see Tyler's car parked in the driveway...I thought he had job interviews today?

I get out of the car and walk into the house with a puzzled look on my face. I hear loud sobs coming from Tyler's room down the hall from me. "Fuck," I mutter as I run towards his room. I knock on the door frame to anounce my presence and see Tyler curled into a ball on his bed sobbing into his pillow.

"Tyler?! What's wrong?" I ask with a worried expression. He keeps sobbing even louder and doesn't answer, so I sit on the bed next to him and rub small circles on his back. He quiets down when I place my hand on the small of his back and looks up while still crying.

"It's-it's Josh," he says as a new set of tears stream down his face. "I-I walked into t-the apartment and there wa-was a girl with him."

"Oh my god, Tyler, I'm so sorry." I say and pull him onto my lap. Another set of sobs rack through his body and he grips right below the collar of my t-shirt, then cries into my chest.

Once he calms down a little, with a small smile, I say, "By the way, you forgot to close the goddamn door." He let's out a little laugh but his eyes are still sad. "You're an amazing person Tyler, and if Josh can't see that he's a no good bag of trash that sits on the side of the road." He just simply shrugs and I pull him into a hug. I have the sudden urge to kiss him. "Tyler, look at me." He grunts and looks up. I cup his chin in the palm of my hand and press our lips together.

(Tyler's P.O.V)

My eyes go wide and my heart starts to race. Is this really happening? I push Brendon away and he gives me a hurt look. "Why the hell did you just kiss me?!" I ask with a look of shock on my face.

"I was just trying to comfort you," he says while his eyes shift to the ground.

"By kissing me?!? What the hell, I tell you about Josh cheating on me so you think it's a good idea to fucking kiss me!? Get out of my room." I spit out the words while he gets a look of regret mixed with sadness on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, Ty, I was just trying to make you feel better." He whispers.

"Brendon, I can't do this right now so, just fuck off, please." I realize how harsh I was being after he gets up and walks to his room; he was holding back tears. I get up and walk to his bedroom across the hall. The door is closed. I knock three times and slowly open the door. "Brenny, I'm sorry I was being an ass a second ago, I just didn't know how to react."

"No, it's fine." He tries to act like he's not bothered but I can obviously tell he is.

"It's not fine. Brendon, I love you as a friend but not in a realtionship type way. Plus, you have Sarah and I have Josh...I just couldn't be romantically involved with you, I'm sorry."

"I know, I don't know what got into me....I guess I just thought it was a good way to comfort you," he shrugs and gets up from his deskchair, then shoves his hands into his pockets and walks towards me.

I pull him into a big hug. "Friends?" I ask him.

"Friends." He replies with a grin plastered on his face.


I finally check my phone, 5 new messages from Joshie♡.

J: Tyler I'm so sorry. I got drunk earlier and somehow managed to bring Melanie back to my place... we didn't do anything I promise.

J: Ty please

J: Baby I love you

J: Baby please forgive me, I love you so much

J: Ty please respond I love you.

I guess everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I'll give him a second chance. I decide while typing my answer with a small smile.

T: I'll see you soon ;)

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