Part 11 (Tyler)

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(2 and a half hours before)

Ring. Ring. Ring.

As soon as I pick up the phone I hear the familiar voice of my boss, Elton. 

"Hey, so not the best news Tyler." when he says this I get a worried expression on my face. Did I do something wrong? "Business has plummeted... we've sold 2 animals in the past month. I can't afford to run the shop anymore so I'm going to need you to pack up all the animals and supplies then close shop. Your last paycheck will be in the mail soon," Without even waiting for a response he quickly said goodbye and hung up the phone. 

I take a moment to process what he had said and with stinging realization I finally understand I had just been fired. I slowly walk to the back of the store to get the animal shipping boxes. I wonder where they're going to go. 

About an hour and a half later I finish taping the last box of pet supplies and stack it in the back. God, I'm going to miss this place.... even though it was the most boring job ever. Without this place I would have never met Josh... 

I close the door and lock it behind me. My shift wasn't supposed to be over for another hour so I decide to go to the bar down the street. Why am I going to a bar???  I think while I walk... Oh yeah, I just got fired.  To make matters even worst on my way to the bar I bump into Debby, I don't think she noticed me but I definitely noticed her. 

We we're best friends until I came out to her. Then she told the whole school I was gay and pretty much made my life living hell. I would always get things taped to my locker and slurs yelled at me but I eventually just learned to live with it. 

I walk in and order a beer. "Isn't it a little early for a drink?" the bartender asks with a surprised look on his face.

"It's 5 o'clock somewhere," I reply with a small smile and then proceed to tell him about how crappy my day had been so far. We get deep into conversation and before I know it I'm on my 4th beer and my words are starting to slur together. "I should probably be heading home now, can I get one for on the road?" I ask the bartender. 

"Whoa, you're not driving." He says with an alarmed look on his face. 

"Oh no, no. My house is close to here..." I trail off as he replies. 

"Ok, well I'm going to get someone to help you get home. I'll be right back with that person and a beer to go," he says with a wink. 

It takes me a minute but I finally remember my address and tell my "escort." He leaves me at my doorstep and heads back to the bar. I swing the door open and see Josh and Brendon standing in the doorway. Brendon looks like he's ready to kill Josh. "Oh heyyyyy guys." I say as I stumble to the couch and take another sip of my almost-empty beer. 

"Tyler... are you drunk?" Brendon asks with a look of concern on his face. 

"Nooooo. Nooope. I'm 100% sober." I say and snort-laugh. I giggle again and then my vision goes black. 

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