Part 37 (Tyler)

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I open the door of Josh's apartment and notice that it's dead silent and there is a trail of candles leading to the bedroom.

"Joshua William Dun, you smooth motherfucker." I whisper as I set my shopping bag down and slowly walk to his bedroom.

I frown when I open the door and see an empty room. I quickly find a neatly creased note laid across my pillow.

To my lil' dumpling, go to Red Manor and ask for Tina, she will give you the next note.

Ooh, a scavenger hunt, huh? I quickly grab my keys and phone off the counter and run to my car.

I sprint inside of Red Manor once I arrive, and a few people give me dirty looks. I ignore them and run to the nearest barista, who just so happens to be Tina.

"Do you have a note from Josh?" I ask, catching my breath. She silently hands me the note and I run back to the car before reading it.

To my lil' dumpling, go find Madison, she has the next note ;)

I once again sprint through the doors of the small diner and wait for Madison to finish waiting her table. When she does she runs into the kitchen and comes back with my note. "I love you, Ty!" she yells as I run out the door.

"I love you too, M!" I slam the car door shut and read the note as I wait for my side of the road to become clear.

To my lil' dumpling, remember that park where we went to the festival that night? Find me there. I LOVE YOU

I somehow manage to not get a speeding ticket as I rush to the park to find my freshly yellow haired boyfriend. I park my car in the exact same spot I did that night and practically throw myself into the street.

A small Josh P.O.V. because why not

I see Tyler pull his car up to the curb and quickly text Phil.

Josh: Tyler just pulled up, go ahead. The key is under the mat.


Josh: Phil, you've said that 17272 times already today. Gtg

Aaaaand we're back to Tyler's P.O.V.

I scan the large park a few times before I see Josh sitting underneath of the couple tree, right next to where we carved our names. I smile at the memory and run over to him.

Once I get closer I see there is a basket sitting next to him. He smiles at me and I pull him into huge hug. "What the heck was that whole note thing?!" I ask, taking my seat next to him.

He simply shrugs and starts pulling food out of the basket and laying it onto the blanket.

We eat and I tell him about how at work today this one woman brought her three year old son into the shop and he broke four of our glass figurines. He laughs and suddenly the whole area around us lights up.

I look up and see that he has strung fairy lights through the lowest hanging branches. "Joshie! You put up fairy lights?!"

He nods and laughs at my reaction. He raises his eyebrows as if he just remembered something and quickly scribbles some words down on his notepad. Look at the sunset!

I turn and look at the sky then take a moment to admire the colors. The orange fades perfectly into the pink which fades perfectly into the purple which fades perfectly into the blue.

I turn back around and gasp when I see Josh on one knee, a small box in his hand.

"M-m-marry me?" he asks, smiling the widest smile I've ever seen.

"Y-yes!" I manage to choke out between tears of joy and happiness. I jump on him and place kisses all over his face before he pulls me off and sets me on his lap while slipping the small navy blue band on my finger.

"It's so pretty, Joshie!" I tell him as I twist the ring.

Not as pretty as you. He grins and I blush.

"I love you so much, I can't believe you're about to be my husband!" I excitedly squeal. "Do you want to go home?" I ask and he nods as I help him start to gather our things.


Josh unlocks the door and lets me enter first. All the lights are off? I thought I left at least one of them on? Suddenly Dan flips the lights on and Phil jumps out from behind the couch. They have a congratulations poster hung above the kitchen, streamers everywhere, and a cake on the table. "Surprise!" they both yell in unison.

"Dan!? Phil!? What are you doing here?!" I happily yell at them.

"We couldn't miss Josh's proposal." Dan replies. "Oh, I also helped Josh pick out your ring."

"Well, thank you. You have good ring sense? Can you have good ring sense? You can now." I laugh and hug them both before placing a kiss on Josh's lips.


We ate the cake soon after Josh and I arrived and then we decided to watch Finding Nemo. Josh only has the one couch so I had to sit on his lap to make room for Dan and Phil, I don't think either of us minded.

Once the movie is over, Josh pulls out a bottle of champagne and four glasses then fills them and distributes them to us.

"To my beautiful fiance!" I cheer as we clink our glasses together.

a/n spooky: sorry for the kinda abrupt ending but I hope you died as much as I did writing this

a/n livi: i died reading it. actual squeals were coming from my mouth

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