Part 32 (Josh)

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Dan's P.O.V

"Bye Joshie, see you soon!" Tyler's words are followed by a door slamming shut.

I grab my head and sit up from my bed. Why are they being so loud? I think to myself as a loud shatter comes from the kitchen. I exit my room to see Tyler scooping up something from the ground.

"What are you doing?" Tyler's head pops up and he gives me a genuine smile, "Sorry, I dropped my cereal."

"Are you Phil? He does that all the time." I hear a small, "Hey!" come from the other room as I say that. Tyler laughs and stands up just to lean on the counter and look at me. His staring is making me slightly uncomfortable so I decide to ask a question.

"Where's Josh?" Tyler gets up from leaning and starts looking for a spoon for his cereal.

"He said he had a surprise for me, I'm pretty excited." Just as he finishes his sentence he starts singing an unfamiliar yet catchy tune. After his little song break, he leaves the kitchen and heads to the lounge to watch some TV. I head back to Phil's room to discuss what we should do today.

"Phil?" I question as I head into his room.

"Yeah?" Phil was kneeling down and looking in the chest that was in front of his bed.

"What're you-" A blood curdling scream sounds from the lounge where Tyler had gone to watch TV.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Both Phil and I dash into the lounge to see Tyler curled up into a small ball, he is shaking and pointing at something off the distance. Before Phil or I can do anything, Tyler's whole body shakes and he grabs his head and it looks as if his eyes had turned red for a brief second.

"Dan, you call Josh while I try to figure out what's wrong." Phil says as he quickly hops to Tyler's side and starts comforting him.

Josh's P.O.V

I step out of the hair dresser and run my hands through my newly dyed yellow hair when my phone starts ringing a familiar tone.

Call from Dan Howell

"Josh, get over here now. Tyler is freaking out and we can't calm him down, he was fine for awhile but suddenly he started screaming and now he's just a crying mess! Please hurry." It feels as if my heart has dropped into my stomach and panic flutters inside of my chest.

I make a small "o..kay" sound and quickly hang up. Shit! I walked here... it's a mile away from the apartment.

I quickly pocket my phone and book it down the roads. I don't care if the people around me are giving me strange looks, all that matters right now is that Tyler is fine and safe.

I finally reach the apartment and start my travel up the stairs. Completely out of breath and sweat beaded on my head, I enter the apartment and hear silent sobs coming from the lounge.

A slowly approach the lounge, terrified of what's going to be around the corner. And what I see is Phil holding Tyler in his arms while Dan is pacing around the room. Jealousy sinks into my heart as I see Tyler cuddling into Phil.

As I enter the room, Tyler pushes Phil away and instantly throws himself into my arms. He lets out small weeps as he pushes his face into the crook of my neck. I slowly play with his hair while the two other boys make a small, "Aw" noise at what we're doing.

Tyler lets go for a second and I kiss his nose as an attempt to calm him.

"I like your hair..." He whispers and kisses me back, "you're also really sweaty... why are you so sweaty?" I laugh and grab my notepad.

Well, when Dan was describing what was happening I instantly knew what it was so I stopped everything I was doing just to come back and comfort you.

"Aw..." Tyler holds the note to his chest and once more kisses me, "Thank you Joshie, I feel better now." Tyler starts walking away but I can't help but notice the small glint of red in his eyes and a small tuft of white hair that seemed to be emerging from the brown. I take one more look at him but the white seems to be gone and the red has disappeared. I shrug it off, it must've just been the lighting.

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