Chapter Three

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Dan was aimlessly wandering up and down the high street when he spotted a mannequin dressed in a black leather t-shirt in Topshop. Without thinking he briskly entered the shop before raking his way through clothing racks in an attempt to locate the leathery embodiment of his own personality. Eventually, he found it in the seventh clothing rack he tore through. Although it was slightly pricey, he didn't think twice before walking up to the nearest till. He couldn't wait to show Phil what he had found and began to giggle to himself at the thought of the expression Phil would wear when he sees what Dan brought home.

It was a twenty minute walk home, or a five minute bus ride and although, at this time, the bus was likely to be jam packed, Dan opted for public transport. He swiped his oyster card and joined the other bus riders in swaying from side to side as the bus turned corners and circled round-a-bouts.

Two or three times he would nudge someone in the shoulder or elbow, but apologised briefly afterwards and then continued to be a part of the constantly swaying block of people. Finally, the bus rounded the corner onto his road and he pressed the button for alighting. The bus stopped and he stepped off, the doors swinging and then slamming shut behind him. As it was November, the street was shrouded in a somber darkness. The bus heaved a great sigh and then continued on its journey around London.


I think I'm going to update one more time tonight..

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