Chapter Thirty Three

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'Help me with this tie, will you?' Dan called from across the house.
Phil rolled his eyes, despite the persistent thumping of his heart in his chest. Tonight's the night, Phil thought to himself. Of course, he was happy being with Dan, but he wanted something more. He wanted to feel the complete devotion and emotional inseparability that came with marriage.

And so, on shaking legs, Phil walked from his room to the kitchen, where Dan had a tie looped messily around his neck. He reached out and began slowly winding the two strands around each other before tucking them beneath Dan's collar.
'So what exactly is this fancy meal for?' Dan questioned, occupied now by his untied shoelaces.
'I just wanted to dress up and go out!' Phil exclaimed, giggling as Dan dropped a lace and had to restart.

Phil's hands went to his pocket and felt the outline of a small box. After another few minutes of shuffling around the house, to ensure that they were leaving nothing of importance, they bid Lily farewell and shut the door. They caught a cab to the restaurant, and before long, they were stood outside a grand structure. Phil opened the door, ushering Dan through before they were sat at a table, two menus propped up in front of their faces.

The plan was to go as follows; they'd enjoy a delicious meal with fine champagne, then they'd go out for dessert preferably from the new frozen yogurt place that had opened up last month. After all this, they'd go to the park where they usually took Lily. They'd gaze up at the stars and admire just how picturesque London could be and Phil would slowly lower his gaze to meet Dan's glowing eyes. He'd get down on one knee and from there, he'd hope for the best.

Over the top of his menu, Phil glanced at Dan, whose soft features became impossible softer in the warm restaurant lighting. Dan's eyes were darting from left to right, scanning the menu that concealed his face from just below the eyes, downwards.
'Have you made a decision yet?' Phil asked, grinning as Dan slowly lowered the menu.
'I think I'll have the carbonara,'

After the predictably delicious meal, Dan and Phil strolled carelessly towards the frozen yogurt place. Phil gently looped an arm around Dan's waist, pulling them closer together. The younger of the two rested his head against Phil's shoulder as they continued their gentle meander to just outside of town.

The streets were almost deserted, and the streetlights painted blurry shadows onto the pavement below. The buildings to their left and right loomed over the two boys and the moon was a glittering beacon up in the sky. Dan raised one hand and watched as the moonlight seeped through his fingers and blurred their edges.

The yogurt place was filled with blinding white light, and illuminated the surrounding area, making it unmissable to any passers-by. Phil took Dan's hand and guided them inside before taking a seat at a little table in the corner. The frozen yogurt looked delicious, as did it taste, and soon Dan and Phil were heading out again, wandering towards the park.

'Are we not going home?' Dan asked, glancing sleepily at Phil.
'Not quite yet, love.' Phil replied with a smile, pulling Dan closer into his side.
As they neared the park, Phil's heart sped up to an alarming rate. He was sure that Dan could hear the constant pumping coming from his chest. Dan, however, was oblivious to the fact that Phil's breathing had become audible, and that the hand on his waist had suddenly become quite tense. Instead, Dan calmly said 'The sky looks beautiful,'

It did. The cloudless atmosphere created a marvellous, panoramic view of the galaxy. Stars twinkled happily and illuminated the faces of the two onlookers. In Dan's eyes, the sky was reflected, and Phil watched in wonder as the light shifted constantly.

He took a breath, then released Dan, before sinking to one knee. He felt around in his pocket for the box and gripped it with shaking hands. He opened it and smiled as the ring, too, reflected the night sky. Dan's face lit up as he realised what was happening. His previous, sleepy demeanour evaporated, and was replaced with teary eyes and a mouth that hung open slightly in shock.

'Dan Howell,' Phil started, his voice cracking slightly, 'Will you marry me?'


EXAM SEASON HAS BEGUN and i have three this week so instead of revising i wrote fanfic


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