Chapter Four

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Phil heard the doorbell and immediately went to answer the door, knowing it could be no one but Jake. The two of them entered the kitchen and Jake took a seat at the breakfast bar while Phil made them both a cup of coffee. As usual, he added milk and one sugar to Jake's but left his own black. He couldn't stand his coffee being so sweet. The bitterness of a well brewed black coffee made him feel warm and energised enough to face the day ahead. Although it was half past six, he had grown used to the familiar taste of black coffee.

Phil and Jake sat sipping their coffees and exchanging small talk, Jake's sea green eyes occasionally catching Phil's pearlescent blue ones. Jake loved Phil's eyes and wanted to completely submerge himself in their crystal depths. After they had both drained their coffees, Jake put the mugs in the dishwasher before following Phil to his room. There, Phil sat on his bed, one arm above his head while the other patted a nearby section of the duvet, motioning for Jake to join him. Without hesitating, Jake plonked himself down next to Phil and wrapped his arms around Phil's broad shoulders.

Phil rested his head against Jake's rising and falling chest and listened to Jake's heart beating slowly and steadily. For almost half an hour they stayed like this, talking and cuddling. Then, Phil looked up into Jake's eyes, admiring how alike they are to the shallow ocean, and pressed their lips together. Their kiss grew more passionate and soon Jake had taken Phil's bottom lip between his teeth and slipped his tongue into the dark haired boy's mouth.

They were so completely wrapped up in each other that they never heard the front door open. Never heard Dan's heavy footsteps approach Phil's bedroom. Never even heard the bedroom door creak on its hinges.
'Phil! Look what I-' Dan was abruptly cut off by the sight of the two both in such a passionate embrace. His mouth hung open and the leather t-shirt from Topshop fell to the floor.


Okay I'll try and update again soon!

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