Chapter Thirty Two

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Five months had passed since Dan and Phil had adopted Lily. The puppy had grown significantly, her caramel-coloured coat had become a deep chocolate brown and she had lost her clumsy demeanour. However, her excitable and energetic attitude remained, strong as ever. Currently, she was running circles around the coffee table, threatening to nudge the mug that was placed dangerously close to the edge.

Phil, who was slumped tiredly across the sofa, watched the scene play out with an uncontainable grin, and shining blue eyes.
'Dan,' he called, 'Dan, come and see this,'
Lily provided great entertainment for her two owners, constantly running around and even stealing the occasional sock, which she tore to bits that littered her bed in the living room.

Dan strolled through and leaned against the doorway to watch Lily as she yapped and sprang in circles. He giggled to himself and then switched his gaze to rest on Phil, who was slumped on the couch, sipping from the mug that he had picked up off the edge of the coffee table. Phil's angelic featured were so soft, yet so striking. The liquid sunlight pouring in through the open window cast shadows and created highlights on Phil's glowing skin, adding to his overall divine demeanour.

Phil turned his head to look at Dan, and Dan was met with piercing silver eyes that searched his own. Phil cracked a smile, the corners of his lips turning upwards slightly in an innocent smile that radiated warmth. Dan couldn't help but smile in return, and he felt his cheeks flush under the warmth of Phil's gaze.

Phil patted the cushion next to him, which Dan took as an invitation to sit down. Phil arms wrapped around Dan waist, and their legs entwined together into a tangle of limbs. Dan head rested gently on Phil's shoulder, and he breathed in, revelling in the familiarity of the scent.

Phil bowed his head slightly, to glance at Dan, whose eyes were shut peacefully, chest rising and falling softly. Phil had been considering it for the past few months, but never had he felt so sure. He never wanted to be away from Dan. Not physically, of course. Phil could make a trip to Tesco without Dan coming along. But, emotionally. He craved the emotional attachment that came with love and devotion, and hoped Dan would too.

Later that afternoon, Phil came up with a half-arsed excuse about needing more pasta, in order to get to the nearest ring shop without sparking suspicion in the younger boy. Dan dismissed Phil's excuse, believing him completely, and resumed playing his extremely intense video game.

The shop was blinding, to say the least. Jewellery gleamed in an attempt to catch the attention of passers-by, and diamonds fought to outshine each other. After closely evaluating nearly all the rings in the shop, Phil came across one he knew Dan would love.

The ring may have seemed dull in comparison to the obnoxiously bright collection of jewels, but its beauty was unmatchable. The simplicity of the article made it elegant. It wasn't overly intricate like the other gold rings that were a cluster of various brightly-coloured gems. It was a silver band, and caught the light perfectly. There was a tiny engraving in the centre which resembled swirls, like the pattern of a gentle breeze.



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