Chapter Six

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Dan strode down the street. Although he had no idea where he was going, he walked purposefully. All he knew was that he had to get away from Phil and Jake. Far Away. Maybe he'd head towards the nearest pub. Yes! The pub! That's the plan, then. He knew there was a good pub just around the corner where many young adults, like Dan, would be.

He shoved open the door and headed straight for the counter. 'I need a drink' Dan muttered to no one in particular, but the young girl behind the bar seemed to have heard him.
'And what would you like?' She replied with a smile.
Dan looked up and his caramel eyes were met with icy blue ones. When Dan looked more closely at her, he realised that she even had startlingly dark hair. She reminded him of Phil, and for the second time that day, Dan's stomach churned.
'A vodka coke or something' Dan said, absently. Trying to forget Phil's gorgeous face.

The bartender placed a glass on the counter, which Dan picked up and chugged.
'Another, please' Dan said, refusing to make eye contact with the woman who bore such a strong resemblance to Phil. However, before Dan's second drink arrived, he was approached by a young-looking girl. She had dirty blonde hair that had recently been straightened, and warm hazel eyes that Dan couldn't help but stare at. His vodka coke was placed on the counter and he chugged the second one before turning to face the approaching girl.

'Hey, I'm Katie' She said with a smile, which Dan returned.
'I'm Dan. Want a drink?' He asked, politely. All he could think about was trying to rid his mind of Phil Lester, and Katie might be the answer. As Dan thought this, Katie leaned forward to whisper in his ear
'A round of shots would be good, don't you think?' She mumbled, then giggled as she sat down in the seat next to Dan's.
'A round, please' Dan said to the woman behind the bar, who was looking Katie up and down. Dan hadn't previously noticed this, but Katie seemed to be swaying a bit in her seat, and giggled to herself every so often. Although she was clearly intoxicated, Dan envied her nonchalance. After a minute of aimless conversation, ten little glasses filled with multi-coloured alcohol were placed in front of him, and he immediately reached out for a bright blue one. The brightness was stunning, even in the dimly lit pub, and the colour reminded him of Phil's gripping gaze. Dan shook his head to get rid of the thought, and downed the alcohol, feeling the pleasant burn as it slid down his throat. Less than a second had passed before Dan grabbed another shot, and downed that too. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Katie puckering her lips at the bitter taste of her shot.

On Dan's fifth shot he began to feel the tension that had built up inside him quickly draining. His shoulder were relaxed and an overwhelming sense of peace had come over him. After a couple more shots, Katie stood up and grabbed Dan's forearms. Without hesitation Dan followed and before long he was being lead out to the back of the pub by a staggering Katie. His head was spinning and he was disorientated, but he felt Katie push him against a cold brick wall, and then felt her body pressed against his own. She was placing sloppy kisses on Dan's lips and he felt her teeth bite down on his bottom lip. Fighting for dominance, Dan flipped them around so that now he was pushing her against the wall. He heard Katie moan when he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Dan opened his eyes for a second and realised that it was pitch dark outside, which meant it must be at least nine o'clock. Dan began thinking about Phil; wondering if Jake was still with him, or whether Phil was home alone. Dan knew how uncomfortable Phil felt when he was alone. However, these thoughts were thrown from his mind when he felt Katie's lips leave his and instead began to suck on Dan's neck. Dan knew she was completely hammered, that they both were, but he enjoyed being able to forget about Phil, even if it was only for a minute. Soon enough, Katie's freezing hands were up Dan's shirt, running along his chest. Her hands then made their way slowly downwards to Dan's jeans zipper. Katie unfastened the button and pulled down his jeans before reaching into Dan's boxers.


It suddenly got kind of smutty..

The next chapter will probs have smut too..

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