Chapter Fourteen

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Jake's arms formed a protective barrier around Phil and Jake's lemony-minty scent made Phil relax into his grasp. Jake, already asleep, was breathing softly, each breath tickling the back of Phil's neck. Although he knew he should feel completely at ease, and should revel in the sensation of Jake intertwined with himself, he couldn't take his mind off Dan. His best friend of a solid four years was home alone. Or maybe he wasn't even home. Maybe he was wandering the streets of London, or black-out wasted in a pub somewhere. Phil's worries began to overwhelm him, and he snatched his phone from Jake's bedside table and switched it on. The screen was blindingly bright, and he had to squint to unlock it. However, after turning the brightness down slightly, his eyes adjusted and he opened up messages.
'Dan, please reply...' he clicked send.
'Please, I need to know that you're alright.'
'We could talk about this.'
'Dan, please !!' After pressing send for the fourth time, Phil turned off his phone and then replaced it on the bedside table.

The silence of Jake's house gave Phil some time to think. Why did Dan love him? Dan was gorgeous; caramel brown eyes flecked with gold, soft brown hair that swept effortlessly across his forehead, and one of the most mesmerising smiles Phil had ever come across. So why would Dan love him, when he could have just about any man or woman on the planet? In Phil's opinion, he found nothing extraordinary about himself, but, apparently Dan did.

Four times, Dan's phone buzzed. He counted every single one. Lying in Phil's bed at half past eleven after a day of doing next to nothing, Dan watched as his phone screen flashed blindingly bright four times. He considered reaching forward to retrieve the phone and check who might be sending him four texts in a row at half eleven at night, but decided against it. He wanted to talk to absolutely no one, including Phil. Anything that might remind him of Phil's bright pink lips that offered a stark contrast to his pallor or Phil's dazzling irises that held the polar ice caps of Antarctica, he wanted to forget. So with a loud, hopeless sigh, Dan turned away from the bedside table and shut his eyes, waiting for sleep to grant him the sweet release from reality.


Double update :))

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