Chapter Thirty

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The next fortnight passed in a jumble of late morning lie-ins, afternoons spent cuddling on the couch, and awkward attempts at somewhat romantic meals for two. A blissful serenity had settled over the flat like a blanket, and the two boys derived a sense of content from each other's company.

This particular afternoon, Dan and Phil were enjoying an afternoon nap. Their legs were a tangle underneath the duvet, and Dan's head rested atop Phil's rising and falling chest. Dan was the first to wake. His eyelids began to flutter just as a cloud shifted in the sky, allowing the sun to peek through and shine directly into his eyes.

An idea popped into Dan's head suddenly. He pictured Phil and himself, strolling down the street, his left hand intertwined with Phil's right. No more than five feet in front of them was a puppy. A gorgeous chocolate Labrador that jumped at any opportunity to meet new people. Dan imagined lazy afternoons spent in the park, watching their puppy run circles around the other dogs, or late nights when their little Labrador would curl up at the end of their bed and sleep soundly.

'Phil,' Dan whispered, quietly at first, 'Phil,' Dan said again, more harshly. Phil groaned and began to stir in his once peaceful slumber.
'Dan, what's wrong?' He mumbled tiredly.
'Phil, I want a dog,' Dan stated, simply. Phil eyes opened slowly to star at Dan, who was looking up at him, those irresistible brown eyes gleaming with hope.
'We can walk her together, and take her to the park and she can sleep at the end of our bed and-' Dan persisted, but was interrupted by Phil.
'I think it's a great idea,' Phil responded, smiling as Dan's eyes shone impossibly brighter.

The emerged from the bedroom together and headed towards the kitchen where Phil made a couple of cheese toasties.
'So, we'll head over to the Rescue Centre in half an hour?' He asked Dan as sliced up some cheese.
'Sounds perfect,' said Dan, who was so hungry, his mouth had begun to water.

Half an hour later, Phil locked up the house and took Dan's hand in his own. They strolled towards the bus stop, shoulders pressed together, then watched as the bus shuddered down the street, slowly making its way towards them.

The bus journey was short and when they reached the Rescue Centre, Dan squealed with anticipation. He took Phil's hand in his and tugged relentlessly until they finally burst through the doors. Dan let go and sprinted forward, eagerly greeting the woman sat behind the desk.

'Hi, um, we'd like to adopt a dog?' Dan said, panting with excitement. The woman smiled reassuringly.
'Go straight through this door and then turn left.' She said, motioning towards the nearest set of double doors. 'When you get to the end of the hallway, go through the doors and Abbie should be there to help you.'
'Thank you!' Dan exclaimed, then grabbed Phil's hand and started bounding towards the doors.

They easily navigated the corridors and before long, they could hear eager barking along with the padding of excited feet. Dan opened the doors slowly this time, in an attempt to avoid alarming the dogs on the other side. He was met with a smiling woman, who he assumed was Abbie.

'Hello, are you two here to adopt?' She asked. Her voice was both gentle and enthusiastic, and her smile was soft and peaceful.
'Yep,' Phil said, glancing at Dan and grinning at the look of pure ecstasy on his face.
'Okay, right this way, then,' She said, leading the two boys towards the crescendo of barking.

After almost an hour of petting every dog in the area, Dan's eyes lit up as a little chocolate brown lab came bounding towards them.
'That's Lily,' Abbie stated, staring fondly at the puppy, 'She's excitable, friendly and up for adoption!'
Phil was laughing at how emotionally attached Dan was becoming to Lily, so he bent down and began stroking her gently.
'Lily, let's go home,' he said, before shifting his gaze to meet Dan's, who's eyes were positively gleaming with glee.


can u believe that this fic is 3 months and six days old, how crazy ?!?!


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