Chapter Eleven

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When Dan emerged from the bathroom he was overwhelmed by the heavy silence that had fallen over the empty flat. He felt numb. He walked vacantly towards the kitchen, eyes unfocused and glassy, before making himself a cup of coffee. His cheeks were flushed from crying and the fresh scars on his wrist stung when his sleeves brushed against the severed skin. Dan took a seat at the breakfast bar and took small sips from his mug every so often, all while staring vacantly ahead with swollen, sunken eyes.

Minutes after Phil had arrived at the bus stop Jake replied.
'ofc u can come over! everything okay? xx'
Phil smiled slightly, picturing Jake's concerned face.
'yep, just missing you x' He replied.
Phil watched as the bus pulled into the station and the doors swung open. He pressed his oyster card against the transaction machine and then took a seat at the far end of the bus. There were maybe eight other people travelling on the bus with Phil, a family of three, four girls all giggling together in their school uniforms, and a middle-aged woman with her head titled back and mouth open in deep sleep. Phil stared out the window and admired the bleak weather. The windows were fogged slightly and there were clouds rolling ominously across the sky, but there were little puffs of steam coming from the various people scattered around the pavement that billowed elegantly and then disappeared.

Phil's bus journey drew to a close when the bus pulled into the station and Phil got off, welcoming the frosty London air. He then began the quick walk towards Jake and Sarah's house. Instead of walking straight into the house, he waited patiently outside, remembering the last time he 'barged' in to be met with an angry Sarah. Luckily, however, the door opened to reveal Jake smiling contently, gesturing for Phil to come in. Phil wrapped his arms around Jake's torso and pressed a lingering kiss on Jake's lips.

After Dan had drained his coffee until only the grainy dregs remained, he stood up and made his way to the living room before plonking down on the couch and switching the television on. Currently, an intense scene on The Jeremy Kyle Show was playing out and Dan watched absently as a couple screamed mindlessly at each other. Dan pondered the concept of broken relationships. Two people who were once so in love but are now filled with loathing for one another, not talking for weeks and then screaming and crying for days on end. Dan switched the television off with one quick press of the button.

The image of Phil soon made its way into Dan's head. Phil always did manage to somehow worm his way into Dan's mind and mess up his train of thought. Those crystal blue irises and sleek black hair were captivating, and Dan was being held prisoner by the mere thought of Phi's intense gaze.


Sorry this one's a bit short


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