Chapter Thirty Five

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Phil reluctantly wriggled free of the brunette's embrace, sliding his hand into Dan's, intertwining their fingers. Then, Phil pulled the younger's hand up tentatively before slipping the ring on and dropping the hand, allowing for Dan to stare admirably at the jewellery. It caught the light of the moon perfectly, almost glowing and illuminating the brown haired boy's face, which displayed an expression of absolute joy that Phil wanted to photograph.

'Yes?' Phil whispered, ducking his head to try and capture Dan's attention.
The brunette smiled, finally tearing his gaze away from the gem glistening on his finger.
'Yes,' he whispered back, cocking his head to the side and blushing when some curls fell over his eyes and tickled his cheeks. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, chewing it until it took on a dark pink tinge.

Phil was the first to stand, pulling Dan up after him, but the brunette wasn't quite ready to resume the journey home yet, and instead tucked his fingers through the belt loops lining the top of the elder's jeans, then pulled him forward, pressing their chests close together. He captured Phil's lips in a hesitant kiss, waiting patiently for the older man to hopefully deepen their kiss.

Phil, however, had no such plans and instead pulled away and gripped Dan's hand, dragging him into the labyrinth of streets, underneath the blurry glow of streetlights, which were reflected off the puddles on the pavements from the seemingly constant English drizzle. However, not even the beginnings of rain could dampen the consuming joy that had flooded the two men as they jogged through the town they called home.

The brunette made no attempt to pull away from the solid grip Phil had on his hand, and instead let himself be pulled, giggling and running to try and catch up with his fiancé. The two stopped occasionally to push each other against walls, forcing their lips together before resuming their excited dance through the streets of London. All the way, the gorgeous silver ring gleamed and glistened and shifting in the moonlight.

The door was impatiently shoved open to reveal an excited puppy, tail wagging and all.
'Hello, Lily!' Dan cooed, bending down to pat the puppy on the head.
'I'll get her leash!' Phil yelled from the kitchen, were the leash hung from a hook on the wall.
Once Lily had finally settled down enough to get a collar over her little head, they all headed back to the park.

'Let her off,' Dan said, glancing at Phil, 'She needs some exercise.'
Phil complied, unhooking the leash from the collar and watching as Lily bolted in the direction of the little pond, where she enjoyed yapping relentlessly at the fish.
'Bench?' The elder asked, turning on his heel to walk slowly towards the nearest seat, pursued by Dan.

Instead of sitting next to his fiancé, however, Dan straddled him effortlessly, crashing their lips together and cupping Phil's face. The blue eyed boy managed to slip his tongue between the younger's lips and wind his fingers through the familiar mess of brown hair, that was now tumbling down and kissing the top of Dan's rosy cheeks.


hello I think this fic will be coming to an end soon :))

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