Chapter Twenty Nine

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When Phil returned from the bathroom he smelled strongly of strawberries. The scent was pungent and seemed to waft towards Dan with every movement Phil made. The serene expression that Phil wore as he practically glided from the bathroom caused Dan to giggle inaudibly. Phil's fringe was pushed back and his jet-black locks looked as if they had thrown themselves in every possible direction.

Phil chewed slightly at his lips which were so pink, they looked like someone had taken a paint brush and tinted them with red wine. He leaned down to observe the food that lined the fridge's many shelves, before Dan piped up from behind him.
'Phil, we just ate! How can you still be hungry?'
'Maybe I'm just looking?' Phil replied, not turning to face Dan.
'You're crazy, Phil,' Dan replied, sighing.
'I can almost hear you rolling your eyes at me, Danny,' Phil sang, then shut the fridge with a laugh. 'So, what are we doing today?'

'First of all,' Dan said while getting up to approach Phil, 'We're fixing this.' Dan was referring to the mess of hair that sat atop Phil's head. He took his hands away from his sides and began to rake his fingers through Phil's mop of black hair, sending strands this way and that. He stepped back to observe the older boy as if he was an artist, and Phil his masterpiece.

'Perfect,' he announced, then began to turn away, but firm hands found his waist and he was spun back around to see a pair of stunning blue eyes staring deeply into his own chocolate brown ones. The intense gaze only lasted half a second before Phil was pressing his lips against Dan's. Phil bit at his lower lip often, so it felt smooth, soft and very warm against Dan's, who was now moaning into the kiss. He threw his arms around the older boy's neck and walked backwards slowly, allowing Phil to press him up against the living room wall.

Just then, in that exact moment, Phil thought of how much he wanted to stay with Dan. He'd fallen so hard for those little dimples that adorned Dan's cheeks, or those little curls that would suddenly appear amongst Dan's mop of brown hair. He found a home in those caramel-honey eyes that stared into his own and never broke contact, and comfort in the touch of Dan's fingers when they traced a gentle line down his back or completely encompassed his entire mid-section.

Phil pulled away from Dan, no longer pressing him into the plaster of their wall.
'Everything alright?' Dan asked, unable to contain his smile.
'Everything's great, actually,' Phil replied, 'I want to cuddle, though,' he said as his cheeks flushed pink. Dan flashed Phil a questioning look, but then smiled in response and took Phil's hand, pulling them both towards his bedroom.

When they were finally settled underneath the covers, Phil had his arm around Dan's shoulders, and his chin rested on Dan's head. Dan has draped his left leg over Phil, and his arms were tangled around Phil's neck. They stayed like this for a while and Phil was drawing soft circles on the younger's shoulder, smiling to himself. Soon, however, Dan's finger traced a line from Phil's neck to the bottom of Phil's shirt, and began to play with the material there. He was tugging it up and drawing on the skin underneath.

Another minute passed and Phil finally understood. He pried himself away from Dan's grasp and removed his shirt, then settled back down in his previous position. This time, however, Dan tilted his head up and began to slowly kiss the older boy's neck. He nipped and sucked at the skin there as pinkish marks began appearing. Phil leaned his head back to allow Dan more access, and gradually let out soft moans in response to the younger boy's actions.



also let me know if u want to see more of jake and sarah? idk if they should still be a part of this? maybe just some closure??

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