Chapter Twenty Three

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Over the next few days, Dan and Phil became more comfortable with each other. Dan's alarming pallor that was prominent only days before was almost non-existent, and the dark rings that encircled his eyes had faded to a pale grey-blue. His dimple had even made occasional appearances in Phil's presence. Although there were noticeable improvements, the two could never forget the events of the past week. Phil felt that he couldn't trust anyone. He couldn't trust Jake, at all, nor could he trust Sarah, not that he ever did. But worst of all, he felt as if he couldn't trust Dan. But Dan was different. He could trust Dan in the way that he once trusted Jake. He could talk to Dan, discuss things that are important to the both of them. But he couldn't trust Dan to be by himself. Phil was reluctant to even let Dan in the bathroom for too long, for worry that Dan was sat on the cold tiles, dragging a razor blade across the delicate skin of his forearm.

There was something different about Phil. Of course, Phil's presence could still light up and entire fucking room, but his wholesome demeanour had somewhat dulled. His innocence had been spoiled. It was as if Phil was a fresh stream with crystal clear water that meandered gently through valleys and hills, an image of beauty and purity. And Jake was the thick black pollution that was coughed up from power stations. He invaded the air and began to seep into the unadulterated waters. Thankfully, Phil had discovered the damage Jake was causing before it was too late, before his waters turned black with oil, before the way the water's surface would glisten and glimmer in the ever-shifting sunlight was lost.

The mere thought of Jake's attempts to ruin the boy with the pale skin, ebony hair, and the bluest eyes you'd have ever seen, angered Dan beyond words. Dan had never known anyone to be so selfish. Jake had an obsession with himself, one that he fuelled with the pain and suffering of others. Jake wanted everything. But what he may not have realised yet, is that Phil was the best thing Jake ever had, and probably will ever have. Jake let Phil slip through his fingers too easily. He watched their relationship go up in flames, which engulfed every memory they ever had of each other and turned it to a sickening grey ash.

Thoughts of Jake caused Dan's throat to tighten and anger to pool behind his caramel coloured eyes. Without even thinking, Dan was grabbing his coat. A couple minutes later, Dan had laced up his converse and was heading towards the front door. As if on cue, a bus pulled into the stop just outside their house. Dan jumped on and took a seat right at the back. The bus was almost deserted, excluding the two girls at the front of the bus, completely engrossed in a conversation regarding the dresses they'll be wearing for the school formal. Dan made a hopeless attempt to loose himself in tumblr, but all he could picture was Jake's face.

Dan approached the front door, and rapped three times. After receiving no answer for roughly five seconds, Dan banged his fist against the wood again, then stood back as he heard shuffling from inside. The door swung open slowly to reveal Jake, green eyes hazy, and sandy hair tousled. The door edged outwards a bit more to reveal Sarah clinging to Jake from behind, her arms locked tightly around Jake's slender frame.
'Dan?' Jake said with a small yawn, 'What's up?'
'What's up?' Dan asked incredulously, 'Are you joking, you egotistical piece of shit?'
'Woah,' Jake looked genuinely taken aback, 'Dan, what the hell? If this is about the Phil thing, then go away, it's over!'

Dan stared in disbelief at Jake.
'By "The Phil thing" did you mean the relationship you two had for ten entire months? Did you mean the most serious relationship Phil had ever had? Did you mean the trust that Phil so willingly placed in you? The trust that you shattered, you mindless cunt?'
'Dan, I-I...' Jake started, 'I don't care about Phil anymore!'
'You're nothing but a fucking egomaniac, you know!' Dan was screaming now, so loud that the entire street could probably hear his sudden outburst, but he didn't care. All he really cared about was the broken expression Phil has started to wear. Or, the slight grey tinge to his once fluorescent blue eyes that left him weak and tired-looking. With those thoughts in mind, Dan lunged at Jake.


**spoiler alert**

stay tuned for the next chapter when Dan beats up Jake lol

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