Chapter Eight

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Jake stayed with Phil for another hour or so before receiving a call from Sarah requesting that he return home immediately to make her a ginger tea. With a sigh, Jake heaved himself of Phil's bed and collected his phone, wallet and hoodie before making his way to the front door. The two boys stood in the doorway and Phil placed an innocent kiss on Jake's cheek.
'Bye, babe.' Jake said, 'I'll have you over sometime soon, yeh?'
'Sounds great.' Phil replied with a sigh 'Love you!'
'Love you too.'
With that, Jake began strolling down the street towards the bus stop and Phil watched him go, his dirty blonde hair bobbing up and down with each step. After Jake had rounded the corner, Phil closed the door and stood, back pressed against the wooden surface.

To end the night, Phil made himself another coffee and then settled into bed. He had piled various duvets and blankets over himself partly because he was absolutely freezing, but it was also an attempt to mimic Jake's arms engulfing Phil's tall frame in a comforting hug. By half past nine, Phil was drifting off into a pleasant slumber, but he had no idea how much time had passed when his dreams were interrupted by the noise of clumsy shuffling coming from the living room. He opened his eyes slightly, only to reveal Dan's lanky form staggering towards him. Even from halfway across the room, the smell of hard alcohol was stifling.

Phil fell asleep again, only this time he had Dan's arms wrapped around his own torso. Too tired to fully realise what was going on, Phil took comfort in having someone else's body pressed so closely to his.

When the sound of Phil's alarm reverberated through the house to signal it was time for Phil to head to Tesco's for his morning shift, he heard a deep moan escape the hungover Dan, whose lips were dangerously close to Phil's ear. He silently and stealthily slipped from Dan's grasp and headed for the bathroom.


Sorry I've been updating less :(

Exams will be over in a week or so and I'll try and update loads after that!!

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