Chapter Nine

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Dan woke up to the sound of the shower on full blast accompanied by Phil humming to himself. Confused as to where he was, Dan sat up abruptly, only to discover that he was in Phil's room. He struggled to recall last night's events before acknowledging the unbearable pounding behind his eyes. Dan let out a pained moan and grabbed his head with both his hands, squeezing his eyes shut to try and block out the blinding light flooding in from Phil's open window.

The shower shut off and Phil emerged from the cloud of steam engulfing the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel resting loosely on his hips. Dan's throbbing headache was suddenly forgotten as his caramel brown eyes were met with Phil's stunning form. Phil Lester truly was an angel. Dan stood, staring at Phil, lips slightly parted in amazement.
'Dan?' Phil said, 'Dan Howell?'
But Dan, completely mesmerised by Phil's allure, was unaware.
'Earth to Daniel Howell?' Phil said with a questioning look on his face. For the second time that week Dan had gotten lost in his thoughts of Phil and when he snapped out of his daze his cheeks flushed pink for only a second before being replaced by a sickly green colour. Dan's head spun and he launched himself of the bed towards the bathroom.

Phil watched as Dan slammed the door behind himself, then approached the bathroom slowly, himself.
'Dan? Are you feeling alright' Phil asked, tentatively.
'I've had better days' he heard Dan mumble from the other side of the door.
'I'll make breakfast. Do you want anything?'
'A coffee would be good, thanks.' Dan replied weakly.

Phil made his way down the hallway and into the kitchen where he switched on the coffee machine and began pouring himself a bowl of cereal. From the other side of the flat he heard the gentle thrum of water hitting the bathroom floor. Dan must be having a shower to wash away the overwhelming scent of stale alcohol. As Phil began pouring the milk into Dan's steaming mug, he heard the shower shut off and the bathroom door swing open. A minute later the two boys were sat at the breakfast bar enjoying their warm coffees, breathing in the steam curling up from the cups.

This peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by Phil's sudden reminder of what happened last night. Carefully, he approached the topic.
'Dan,' he began, 'Last night, when you walked in on me and Jake... Are you... I mean, is everything alright? You seemed really... distressed?'
Dan felt his stomach drop and his expression turned from one of pleasure to one of extreme awkwardness.
'I just... I don't think...' he stuttered, then sighed, 'Phil, you two are inseparable, like, you can't be near each other without having to clamber on top of one another.' Once Dan had started on his little rant, he found it hard to stop and he soon realised how resentful he was towards Jake. 'Jake needs to learn about personal space. He doesn't constantly need you to be with him, it's not like you're one person. You live two different lives, for god's sake!'

Throughout Dan's entire tirade, Phil stood, shocked into silence. His mouth was agape, and his eyes were fixed on Dan's deep brown ones. After Dan had concluded his speech, they stood facing each other, not saying anything. However, after a few seconds, Phil piped up. 'It's called a relationship, Dan. We are two different people, but we rely on each other's company to provide comfort. At least Jake would be more comforting than you currently are.'
'Don't be so patronising, Phil. Just because I'm not in a relationship doesn't mean I don't know the difference between being comfortable with each other and being obsessed with each other.' Dan retaliated, anger burning in his golden irises.
'God, Dan. Sometimes you can be so immature, you know. I'm in an adult relationship. Stop acting as if you're jealous of Jake! It's not like you're in love with me!'


it's getting intense lol

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