Chapter Twenty Five

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Never, ever in his entire life had Dan Howell been more in love with Phil Lester. He really was an angel, Dan thought. Those inhumanly blue eyes, the hair, so dark, there was no way it could possibly belong to an average human being. Don't even get him started on Phil's body. His hips swung so elegantly, Dan just wanted to reach out and grab them and dig his fingernails into the pale skin, claiming Phil as his own. Phil's hands were so delicate, his fingers looked as if they could complete the most intricate of tasks, and Dan would gladly let them explore his own body.

Phil acted so gracefully. He dismissed Jake with nothing but a single word. He was able to turn away from a person so cruel, any normal person would gladly take a swing at their pretty little face. Not Phil, though. Phil wouldn't even dream of giving Jake the satisfaction of anything more than one word. After the crushing heartache of infidelity, Phil brushed Jake away as if he was nothing more than a mildly irritating fly.

Now, Dan walked, revelling in Phil's touch, watching as liquid sunlight seemed to pool at their feet as they made their way back home. The smile on Dan's face was unrelenting.
'You're amazing,' Dan sighed, barely audible.
'Hm?' Phil replied, unsure of what Dan had just said.
But, in that moment, where Phil's eyes met his own, Dan couldn't remain subdued any longer. He leaned in slowly, ensuring that Phil wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

Phil, however, was anything but overwhelmed. He closed the unbearable gap that separated their lips with one, quick movement. His vacant arm slid around Dan's waist, joining the other which hadn't moved since they'd left Jake and Sarah's. He felt Dan's arms hook around his neck to pull them impossibly closer together. They stumbled backwards, and Phil pressed Dan against a nearby wall. Their kisses became intense and desperate, tongues sliding past each other before they occasionally pulled away to gulp down air. Phil's lips moved from Dan's and instead found a sensitive spot of skin on Dan's neck to suck on.

They stayed intertwined like this for a few minutes longer, before Phil pulled away, a smile spread wide across his face. He felt warmth pooling in his stomach, a warmth that he never felt with Jake.
'Home?' Dan asked, groggily. His hobbit hair was tousled in an impossibly gorgeous way, making Phil's eyes light up even brighter.
'Yeah,' Phil replied, taking Dan's hand and tugging him in the direction of their flat.



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