Chapter Twenty One

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Phil dropped the paper, and backed away slowly, tears pricking his eyes. His heart raced. Dan's going to do it. Phil winced at the thought of a life without Dan, without love. He began to think where Dan might be. He couldn't travel far, he's too weak. Bathroom? Phil stormed into the bathroom. No. Bedroom? Still not. Rooftop? Maybe. Phil sprinted out the door, still wearing his jacket and shoes from earlier. He flew up the stairs and barged through the roof's door, which let out a screech in protest at being flung so violently. Phil could see at the opposite end of the roof, Dan was standing on the ledge, staring absently at the street below. Although Phil was panting, desperate to catch his breath, he shot forward like a bullet, straight for Dan who had begun to slowly tilt forward.

The wind was overpowering on the rooftop, whipping Dan's hair into his face.
'I'm sorry, Phil Lester,' Dan whispered into the wind, and tilted forward. He felt his feet begin to slip from the concrete ledge, as if it was made from ice, and prepared for his final fall. His breath was held and his eyes squeezed shut. Suddenly, a pair of arms were wrapped around his waist and he was violently tugged backwards. He fell onto the hard floor, the breath knocked out of him, and stared up into icy blue eyes that takes over his face and neck.
'Dan,' Phil said breathlessly. 'W-what... why? Ohmygod.' Phil was crying now, relief evident in those pearlescent eyes. Dan moved his mouth, but couldn't make a sound. He was too shocked to talk at all, and Phil was so close to him, so real.
'Dan, p-please don't! Dan... w-why?' Phil's warm breath was hitting Dan's face and all he couldn't do was stare at those eyes, so mesmerisingly perfect. He plunged headfirst into the eyes, completely captured.

Phil could feel his heart racing. One moment. Just one single moment later could have been too late. He uttered incomprehensible sentences, all while staring at Dan, who wore such a broken expression. He lifted the other boy up and into his arms, soothing him. Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's neck.
'Dan, I love you.' This was the first comprehensible sentence Phil has managed to get out since pulling Dan away from the edge of the rooftop. Dan stared back at him in shock.
'Phil, no. You're too good, please.' Dan replied, his voice rough and gravely from all the crying. Phil gave Dan a tight squeeze and moved him towards the door, which remained flung open the way Phil had left it.

They entered the flat and Phil noticed a large hole in the living room wall.
'Dan?' he said, gesturing towards the damage. Dan shook his head and collapsed on the couch, joined a moment later by Phil.
'Dan, I'll never be too good for you. No way in hell. I'm not this angel that you're making me out to be, alright. I just love you. And, I care about you. A lot. You saved me just as much as I saved you. We're meant for each other.' Phil never broke eye contact with Dan, realising the extent to which his love for the younger boy went.
'What about Jake?' Dan asked quietly.
Phil's heart sunk and his eyes began to well up with tears all over again.

'Phil?' Dan asked tentatively, staring into those eyes he so wished he could go swimming in. Dan didn't want to push Phil, clearly seeing that he was upset despite his own half-conscious state. Phil remained silent, tears beginning to trickle down his cheeks.
'We'll talk about me later, Dan. I just need to know that you're okay.' He said, choking slightly.


sorry for this piece of shit I'll update it later
also my fave writer on wattpad is rickyblitzz so creds to her for the thing abt swimming in Phil's eyes (notice me, senpai) honestly do read her fics my fave is 'best man'

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