Chapter Twelve

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'Buy!' Jake exclaimed, and placed a wad of Monopoly money onto the board.
'Are you sure?' Phil asked, laughing at Jake's eagerness.
'Of course! I'm buying Mayfair!' Jake announced with a proud smile on his face.
Phil laughed and took the money, exchanging it for a card with 'Mayfair' printed across the top, then gave Jake a little shove so that he'd sit down again.
'Alright, your turn', Jake said, turning to Phil with a glint of excitement in his eye. For some odd reason, Jake, a twenty three year old, still found great pleasure in playing board games. Luckily for him, Phil found his excitement adorable. The way Jake's green eyes lit up and the way his lips stretched out into a smile to reveal his pearly-white teeth made him almost irresistible, and Phil couldn't help but smile in response. Phil picked up the dice and rolled them across the board.
'A three and a six!' Jake almost shouted before collecting the dice. Phil reached over and moved his piece nine places.
'That will be three thousand Monopoly moneys' Jake said, matter-of-fact.
'And what if I don't want to buy it?' Phil replied, smirking.
At this, Jake looked genuinely distressed. Phil knew that Jake got wound up and the strangest things when playing board game. Jake bought almost every single property that he landed on, and liked when other people followed suit.
'But it's such a good buy!' Jake exclaimed.
'I'll buy it in exchange for a kiss' Phil said quietly, not breaking eye contact with Jake.
'Well, if that's what it takes.' Jake muttered in reply, a smile playing on his lips.
Phil leaned in and soon the boys were joined in a heated kiss.

It was four in the afternoon and Dan had barely moved from his position on the sofa, except to go to the bathroom once and to retrieve his laptop. Now he sat, eyes bleary, staring expressionlessly at the MacBook perched on his lap, scrolling mindlessly through blog after blog, not being able to take his mind off Phil. It wouldn't surprise him if Phil asked him to move out when, or if, he ever came home. He searched his own mind to see if he knew anywhere he could stay. He had stopped most contact with his family after coming out. His announcement had been met with disapproval and suggestions for conversion therapy. He had people he knew from school, but as mentioned before, Dan had always been something of a target at school, and making contact again with his former classmates may cause him to relive the events he so willingly forgot. Dan felt as if he was unable to sit still anymore and decided to make his way up to the apartment block's roof to sit and observe the city around him.

Dan tucked his keys into the front pocket of his jacket, then began to climb the stairs. Eight flights later, he was panting slightly, but reached out and turned the doorknob. With a deafening screech, the door opened, and a gust of cool air pushed Dan's chocolate brown fringe back. Without hesitation, he stepped out onto the concrete and made his was over to the front of the roof. His left arm was pressed onto the surface of the ledge and he could feel the cold on his forearm. The elbow of his right arm was pressed down and his head was resting on the palm of his hand. His right forearm was left untouched because of the dull throbbing that could still be felt from where he tore open the skin earlier that day. From his current vantage point, he could see groups of kids on their way home from school. All in uniform, huddled together, chatting nonchalantly. The occasional parent could be seen shuffling alongside younger students, asking how their day had been and whether they turned in homework on time. After fifteen minutes, the flood of students and parents had become a trickle, and was now made up of the kids who were held back after class. Dan sighed and turned to leave the desolate rooftop.


Thanks for 90 reads holy craaappp!!

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